Hanging in Dallas

The plan was to pick up the kids at the airport on Wednesday and then to fly back to Madison.  That was the plan.  Didn’t quite work out that way, though.

On Wednesday, I flew in to Dallas from DC, and LuAnn drove the kids up to Dallas from College Station.  It was so fun to greet them at our gate!  Being apart from them for a week got me to a place where I really kinda missed them.  It’s nice to be apart sometimes so you appreciate when you’re together:)

Here were a few photos I took before we got on the plane to fly to Madison.



Siblings mugging for the camera.  Sylvia loves looking at this sequence.




Our flight was delayed almost an hour (pilot was missing), so we headed over to the kids area to play.



Andrew’s walking the plank.


After we got on the plane, we waited another 45 minutes, and then they pulled us off and canceled the flight because a co-pilot couldn’t be found.

I scrambled a little, got vouchers for meals and hotel, checked in with Melanie (who lives north of Dallas) and my uncle and aunt (who also live north of Dallas).  We got a rental car, and drove up to Plano where we enjoyed supper and some evening dress-up time at Kirk and Sue’s house.  Kirk hadn’t seen Andrew since he was a baby, and Sue had never met either of them.  The kids were mighty smitten with Kirk and Sue’s generosity.  They loved playing King and Queen (or Princess) after dressing up in Aunt Sue’s costume jewelry and scarves.




Sue put together some treat bags for the kids to take home, and we dolled out the candy over the course of our long flight home the next day.  Andrew noted several times after our visit how much he enjoyed talking with Kirk and Sue.  Thanks, guys, for putting us up for the night on such short notice.  It was a lot of fun to spend the evening together.