I haven’t mentioned much about Andrew’s all-consuming obsession – Godzilla. Back in April, Terry brought over a boxed set of five monster DVDs. Since that time, my young son has been able to think of little else. He wakes up, crawls into bed, and sleepily says, “Good morning, Mommy Mothra.” As he falls alseep at night, it’s hard to get him to stop talking about, “What if the laavee sprayed Godzilla with webby stuff and then Godzilla went into the ocean?”
The names of these crazy monsters flow off his tongue as easily as the names of family members. Kumunga. Mothra. Manilla. Gamera. Rodan. Mechagodzilla. Manda. The “laavee” (Mothra larvae). Gorosaurus. He spends a lot of time considering who would be which monsters. “If I was Godzilla, Sylvie would be Rodan, you could be Mothra, Daddy would be Gamera…”

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