Beer Fest 2009

Michael, Lisa, and Joe just departed our house after a fun and laughter-filled evening that we dubbed Beer Fest.  When Joe got home from Sri Lanka last week, he mentioned to Bryan that he’d like to try some beers.  Now that he’s 21, he wanted to see if he could find a beer he likes (since in general, he – like me – thinks that beer tastes disgusting).  Bryan got right to work, and this evening, we tried 12 kinds of beer.  Bryan even made up a rating sheet for each of us as well as a write-up describing each type of beer.

Getting started with Beer Fest

So what are our favorites, you ask?  Here they are:

  • Bryan: India Pale Ale
  • Michael: Oatmeal Stout
  • Lisa: English Ale
  • Joe: Honey Wheat
  • Althea: Doppelbock

We had a great evening sitting around sipping beers, being disgusted by some, intrigued by others, and surprised by more.  Many peanuts and corn nuts were consumed.  Much laughter ensued.

It feels so nice to have Joe back home for the summer!  He had his first day at Senator Miller‘s office today.  Next week he starts his second job at Gathering Waters.  If you know of a car he can use for the summer, let him know.  Otherwise, he’s takin’ the bus!

Beer Fest remains

We may have a follow-up to Beer Fest entitled Rootbeer Fest.  mmmm root beer.  floats.  mmmmmm

3 Replies to “Beer Fest 2009”

  1. Tell Joe I’m with him on the wheat beer…love it!! with a little orange or lemon slice! Yum Yum!!

  2. I’m totally up for Root beer Fest! Let’s decide on a date and Michael and I will go shopping for root beer (maybe with Joe along as an adviser since he has some experience being discerning about root beer)!

  3. This was an educational experience, by the way. Purchasing a variety of individual bottles and sharing with friends is a much more viable method of testing than working up the nerve to buy a whole six-pack of something you’re unsure about … something that might end up staying around a long, long time if you don’t like that first bottle.

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