Eli’s birthday

My boy’s friends are turning four!  Wyatt’s birthday was May 12, and we had a fun day at the zoo celebrating (photos in the gallery).  On Monday this week, Eli turned four, and we had a fun time playing at a park in Monona.  There were four boys in capes zipping around, climbing, throwing things in the lake, eating ice cream, jumping, and generally having a great time.  Photos are in the gallery.

Look at that boy! It’s amazing to look at the big, beautiful, amazing boys that they are and to remember how sweet and little and babyish they used to be.  See here or here for examples!

Eli’s birthday party is this afternoon.  The weather is a little rainy right now, but hopefully the sun will come out and it will be a lovely afternoon.  Four years old.  Wow.  Andrew turns four on June 22.  It’s all pretty crazy.  The wonderful part is that they are all turning into such incredible little people.  Makes me excited to find out what happens next!

4 years old today!

2 Replies to “Eli’s birthday”

  1. Four seems so long ago. Egon turns 11 tomorrow. Shara will be leaving for college in just over 4 years. Got to let them go and grow…or do I?

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