
Sylvia is very aware of airplanes these days.  Very aware.  And we have a remarkable number of airplanes pass over our house.  I remember this from when Andrew was her age.  As these little people become able to share information, suddenly they notice – and point out – so many things that I would never have seen.

So every hour or so, Sylvie runs over to me, somewhat anxiously calling, “MaaMAA Maaa MA!”  She is holding her finger to her ear (the sign for “hear”).  She hears an airplane.  She’s excited and a little worried and usually wants to climb on my lap while I share with her that I too hear the airplane.  If we’re outside we look for it.  If we’re inside, we point out the window together.  Once the noise has passed, she climbs down and resumes her activities.

So sweet, so fleeting.  These days of early communication and discovery are really wonderful.