Money management

Photo by undoneclothing
Photo by undoneclothing

Finances are a topic that just isn’t talked about much in our society.  It’s generally considered a very private, personal thing.  Even with my good friends – we don’t often have conversations about money.   I understand the reasons why, but I also think that being more open to talking about money would benefit our society in general.  With all the people drowning in debt or experiencing significant stress because of hidden money woes, I think smart money talk would be helpful.

I specifically think that it’s helpful to me to hear about how families make their finances work.  In addition to filling my mind with thoughts of all the neat things I could do or make or buy, I like to see what people don’t do.  What kinds of things do families forgo or made-do with so they can live within their means?

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Fun times at the playground

This past weekend was just stunningly beautiful.  The last few weeks have been incredible.  Dry, warm, blue-skies, lots of flowers…we’re just soaking it all in.


On Saturday, we took a family walk to our neighborhood park (which we call the Yellow Slide Park, for obvious reasons).  Andrew rode his bike while Sylvia happily went along in the stroller.  The oak trees have been dropping their acorns, so I hunted around for acorns and the kids had a blast playing on all the equipment.  I’m going to post some pics below, but there’s lots more from that outing in the gallery!


I love those pictures of the kids together.  I get so few of them when they’re actually in the same frame!

Sylvia was having fun walking on the balance beam (with Daddy’s help).



There was swinging silliness…


And note Sylvia’s miss-matched shoes.  She got help getting dressed from her brother…


She loves to spin!!


Andrew sure does love his little sister!


It’s just so much fun to trail kids around a playground with a camera!    More pics are available here:) IMG_2072

An open letter

To all those with whom I communicate via email:

I apologize for my regular lack of response to your kind notes.

I’ve just spent the last two hours going through hundreds of old emails (I’m actually writing this post at 12:30am), and it’s embarrassing…simply embarrassing…how many informative, questioning, consoling, interesting emails have gone unanswered.

My only consolation for you is that you’re in good company.



Andrew’s many faces

Andrew, as a general rule, does not like me to take photographs of him.  And, in general, he is pretty adamant about that sentiment.  But the other day (when I was taking pictures of Sylvia’s tower), he decided he wanted some pictures of his various silly faces.  He did this back in February with Bryan.  The results make me smile.









And then, one photo Andrew took… (as I held my hands under the camera lest he dropped it!)


I hope you feel many of the first two emotions today!

Sylvia’s block tower


In general, Sylvia doesn’t spend a lot of time playing with blocks.  It’s just not one of her favorite play activities.  So I was surprised and impressed yesterday when I came into the room and saw that she had built a tall tower.  I pulled out my camera, and she was quite happy to pose for me with her creation.



Kissing the tower… IMG_1999


What a cutie!  She really amazes me with her fine-motor skills.  You should watch her wield a fork and spoon (when she’s not smearing her food)!

Somersaulting Andrew


Andrew (and Sylvia too) are pretty agile, active, coordinated kids.  Andrew has recently been playing a game where he does a running somersault onto the air mattress in the back yard.  For your viewing pleasure, here’s his act:



The jump…








Done.  Again!


If that wasn’t enough for you, I’ve got another sequence in the gallery!

Read-aloud – and new flowers

Here’s our read-aloud of the week.  I am loving reading Andrew chapter books!

IMG_2013 PS.  If you can’t see the picture for some reason, it’s Stuart Little.
In other news, my clematis on the front porch is just breaking into bloom.  It’s really grown big this year.  Look at how much of the porch it covers!


The first of the buds just opened last night.


I just checked, and it looks like last year they bloomed on the same weekend!

Picture from ’08

It's so beautiful!

Stay-at-home date

Last night, Bryan and I had such a fun evening together.  I was totally worn out after we put the kids to bed, but instead of curling up with a book or hopping on the laptop, Bryan and I talked about parenting for a while.  I’d mentioned that I was in the mood for a big piece of chocolate cake with chocolate butter-cream frosting.  Instead of that, Bryan suggested that we make a batch of cookies together.


We made lemon sugar cookies (recipe and the Penzey’s dehydrated lemon peel) from Maretta.  Bryan and I almost never…REALLY almost never cook or bake together, so this was a lot of fun.  And oh, my, that butter-rich batter was yummy!  Here’s a blog post describing the cookies, showing scrumptious pictures, and giving the recipe.


After our cookie-baking, we sat down and played a game of canasta.  It’s been years since we played canasta.  It used to be our favorite game.  On our honeymoon in Japan, we played it obsessively.  Then it got where Bryan beat me soundly every time and we (I) decided that we needed a break from Canasta to maintain marital harmony.  So it was fun to play again!

An evening having fun with my sweetie was the perfect way to start the weekend.  Hope your weekend is off to a good start too!

Sometimes there is unhappiness

I love staying home full-time with the kids.  We have so much fun together.  I love the quietness of it, the times we have for reading and painting and making meals.  I love to go on outings, meet up with friends, play in the yard for hours and hours.

I’m discovering that I am a mom who needs activity.  Even if the activity is just being outdoors and swinging or bike riding or chatting with neighbors (we do a lot of that!).  In contrast, I don’t do so well just hanging out.   Last weekend, I was the parent who got up with the kids in the mornings.  On Monday morning, Bryan noted that we’d had a feast for breakfast every morning: crepes on Saturday, pancakes on Sunday, and waffles on Monday.  All  included eggs and sausage and juice and coffee.  I told him that it was easier for me to have a project to do with the kids when we’re up early together.  “As opposed to just playing with them?” he replied.

He’s right.  If we’re just playing in the sun room, I get bored really fast.  I try to read a magazine or clean or pull out the laptop.  I’m not sure why.  I’m happy to read the kids books for long periods or play a game or color on the easel or play a make-believe game.  Andrew and Sylvie both like helping me cook, and they have fun cracking eggs, measuring milk, and whisking ingredients.   But if the kids are just hanging out, doing their thing, I don’t really have the patience…actually the interest…in staying tuned in.  Oh, and they love it when I just watch them play.  Bryan’s mom is an expert at that.  She loves watching kids play and do their thing.  Bryan seems pretty good at it too.  Ahh well, we all have our strengths!

So that’s something that’s been on my mind, and I thought I’d share.  Another thing on my mind is that we have a fair amount of Sylvia-unhappiness in our household.  That girl is amazing.  I love her over the moon.  She has so much energy and spirit and spunk.  When we go to restaurants, she greets all the other patrons with waves and “HI!!!” and dimples galore.  When she laughs (especially when Andrew makes her laugh), it’s heart-warming enough to make a statue crack a smile.

She also has passion and sadness.  We visited Sarah and baby Charlie today.  They were coming home from their morning stroller ride.  It made me think, “What a lovely daily ritual!  A stroller ride.  Why don’t we do regular stroller rides?”  The reason, I quickly remembered, is that from the time it was warm enough to take Sylvia on her earliest walks and stroller rides, she has gone on only a small number fully happy.  Invariably, the first half is good and the second half involves some screaming.  At least a third of the walk she needs to be carried (if she was in the stroller) or held (if she was in a carrier) as she screams and flails. The girl doesn’t like to be confined.

Sometimes I think I should just do things more frequently or consistently with her.  If we took a walk every morning at the same time to the same place, maybe that would be better.  It isn’t.  Or if it is, Andrew doesn’t want to go and he ends up being the one crying and needing to be carried.

Sylvia also tends to fuss or cry most times we drive in the car.  It’s not like when she was little and screamed the whole ride.  That got better when she was around six months.  It’s that she didn’t want to get in her car seat in the first place or she wants something Andrew has or she finished her snack and wants more.  For the most part, I can talk her down or cajole her into being calm, but keeping her happy in the car is an active process.  She doesn’t get calmed by music or audio books.  She sometimes likes to look at books or play with dolls, but then she drops them and I can’t reach them and that’s a big problem.

We had lunch with Bryan today.  His office is on the other side of town, and Sylvia cried all the way home.  She was saying, “Wa.” And I have no idea what she wanted.  She got her arms out her car seat in her tantrum.  I guess it all makes me appreciate quiet drives across town when I get them.

All this is to say that if I one day have a grandchild I’d like to remember that things as a parent are sometimes kind of rough.  And the rough parts can be mixed in, part and parcel with the sweet, darling, wonderful parts.  I’m already finding that I forget things about parenting.  I kind of forget what it was like to wake up many times in the night or to have a sick tiny baby.  Just like with child birth, the hard parts kind of fade into amnesia and the glowing parts stay crystal clear in my mind.  So I write this down not to complain, not even because today is particularly harder than any other day or week, but just to keep it real.