Workin’ at Andrew’s preschool

I’m on the board of directors for Andrew’s preschool.  It’s been such a positive experience – being involved in running a stellar non-profit organization again.  I am the treasurer, so I spend lots of time thinking about numbers and taxes and administration.  And at the end of the day when I’ve worked a lot, I feel all warm and content inside.

Monona Grove Nursery School is such a lovely school.  It’s sweet and gentle, and I really enjoy working with the teachers.

I had several projects with the school that I’ve been working on over the last week.  They’ve taken a lot of time.  In general, I find that even when I’m busy with other tasks that my need to write and share means that I write a blog post nearly every day.  However, this month, I’ve felt a little less motivated.  Besides, a lot of my to-do items have people waiting to get the results.  And as far as I know, no one except me is sad when there’s no blog post on a given day.

So we’ll see…I liked writing posts daily in 2009, and I’m trying to decide what a good goal for 2010 should be.  Let me know if you have suggestions:)


January day at home

As you may have guessed, our family of four made it home from Texas:)  We flew back home last Saturday.  It was sad to leave Granny and Grandad’s home, and frankly, even after 11 days, I wasn’t really looking forward to the end of the vacation.  However, happily, when we got back into our sweet little house and spent some time with our kitties and all the many little things that make our home the cozy nest that it is, I found I was indeed quite happy to be back.

I still have a few pictures from our visit on my camera.  And, bizarrely, I haven’t picked up my camera since we returned.  That’s nearly one week.  No blogging and no photography for a week!  I haven’t gone that long between blog posts since June!  I question whether my name is actually Althea nothing Dotzour.

The simple answer is that I was reading books.  And when I read books, well, it’s a good thing that the house stays standing, because my attention does not waver from the task at hand.  I kept wishing that someone would show up to sweep the kitchen floor or take that load of laundry out of the dryer or feed my children.  Sometimes I love taking care of the home.  And sometimes I feel like reading or working or photographing or blogging.  These days, I love doing anything that involves a cup of hot coca, a blanket, and a child or cat or computer on my lap.

I’ve been reading business books because I’m spending the next few months really focusing on my photography business.  I read The E-Myth, Hug Your Customer, Building Your Photography Business, and Trade-Off.  So many great ideas and suggestions to work on!  I love managing and imagining my business!

Andrew and Sylvia are thriving.  Andrew had a wonderful, wonderful time in Texas. And Sylvia is talking up a storm, is now going around during the day without her pacifier, and has joined in our family adventures to an increasingly great degree.

Yesterday, the kids and I had our first Music Together class at Happy Bambino.  Since HB just moved their store down the street from our house, and since it had snowed a lot the night before, I thought it would be fun to pull the kids on their sleds to our music class.  Well, it was indeed a charming idea.  But I learned that Andrew is as heavy as a boulder on a sled and Sylvia won’t keep her mittens on…resulting in very cold hands and a very sad girl.  I was huffing and puffing and sweating as I trudged down the street like some sort of draft horse.  Andrew walked along, wandering into people’s yards, and getting stuck in snow drifts.  We were late, which took away some of the charm of the endeavor, and I laughed to myself to think how much more fun things sometimes sound or look in retrospect than as you’re doing it.

On the way home, Sylvia decided she would be happy to keep my mittens on her hands, and she and Andrew played in the snow for nearly an hour as we slowly made our way home.  That afternoon, worn out from all the fun, I took a nap.

Today is snowy and chilly, but we have nowhere to go.  Sylvia isn’t napping.  In fact, right now she’s in her crib saying “Wanna pay (play)!”  Then she’s saying “Pleph!”  Which means that she’s wanting to spit out her paci into the paci jar so she can get out of her crib and play!

Hope your early January is off to a good start!  We’re enjoying the crispness of the new year and the coziness that winter weather brings.

Help me pick some good reads!

As part of my 2010 goal setting, I was thinking about what books I hope to read in 2010.  While I have a long list of photography books I plan to read, I realized that I have no fun books on the docket for the next year.  Help!  This is not good!

So I turned to Chinaberry, a wonderful children’s bookseller who also often has good ideas for adult reads.  Here’s my picks from them so far:

  • The Expected One by Kathleen Mcgowan
  • Fieldwork by Mischa Berlinski
  • The Flying Troutmans by Miriam Toews
  • The Gift of an Ordinary Day by Katrina Kenison
  • House of Daughters by Sarah-kate Lynch
  • The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Clayton

Looking back at the books that were recommended last summer but that I haven’t yet read:

Love the One You’re With by Emily Giffin
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Trail of Crumbs: Hunger, Love, and the Search for Home by Kim Sunee
The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan
Sweetness in the Belly by Camilla Gibb
I Love You, Beth Cooper by Larry Doyle
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse by Lousie Erdrich
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver

If anyone has other suggestions or an “Oh, read this one first!” comment, please let me know.  As for myself, looking back at 2009, my favorite book was probably A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg.  I drool when I think of it.  And when I got to the end, I was sad, sad, sad.

I look forward to hearing what you recommend!

Reflections and Goals

One of my favorite blogs, SimpleMom, is big into planning.  Works well for me since I’m big into planning too.  Last January, I used her reflection and goal-setting questions to help me make plans for 2009.  It worked pretty well, and I’ve just made Word documents of her 2010 questions that I’m hoping to start filling in today.

In case you’re interested in stepping back and doing some big-picture thinking, here’s Tsh’s 2009 Reflection Questions, her 2010 goal-setting questions, and a good post she did on setting financial goals.   Just so you know, I have no intention of answering every question.  There are too many!!  But I do find it useful to step back and think broadly and then to force myself to think forward and to do some planning about my life and my family and my finances.

What do you think?  Do you like to set personal goals?  Business goals?  Family or financial goals?  Or does the whole thing give you the heebeejeebees and make you want to climb back in bed and wait for 2011?  Different strokes for different folks:)

If you have any resources or suggestions or comments, let me know!

We’re enjoying a sunny Texas January 1.  Right now, Sylvie is sleeping, I’m typing, and the rest of the fam is curled up together watching some football.  Hope your January 1 is off to a good start!

Slothful New Year!

Happy New Year’s Eve!

I’d like to share some comprehensive reflections on 2009, but that would take brain power, and I don’t feel like it.  I’m on vacation after all!  I feel slothful.  Just like my friend sloth from the Dallas Aquarium.

So instead of looking back at 2009, let’s just look back at some pictures from earlier this week, shall we.  And since I’m feeling slothful, let’s start with my friend the sloth.


I loved this sloth.  He/she/it looked into my eyes, and I think it did a brain scan on me.

IMG_1528Oh, my was it an amazing creature.  It wasn’t in a cage…just in a tree that you could walk around and under.  The only thing that kept you from touching the sloth was your good manners.  What an experience!

IMG_1537I loved this three-toed sloth, and I’d like to have more sloths like it in my life.  What do you think about trying to position my photography business to give me a regular sloth-fix.  I could bill myself as, “Althea Dotzour Photography – natural light lifestyle portraits – babies, children, families, sloths.”

IMG_1515The aquarium was chocker-block full of stunning birds.  Made me feel like pulling out my binos and doing some bird watching again this spring!

Below, you’ll find a lizard.  He’s in sharp focus because he sat veerrry still.  Thank you for posing, Mr. Lizard.

IMG_1543I’d never seen a manatee before.  It made my breath catch in my throat.  All those years when I was a kid and wanting to “save the manatees!”, and here we’re standing right in front of them.

IMG_1561This aquarium had it all!  There was also a huge shark tank complete with underwater tunnel (not shown).


These anemones now make me think of the movie Avatar.  Wow.  Was that a beautiful movie.IMG_1581This orange fishy was sitting on the floor of his tank, making it easy to photograph him.  Thanks, bud!  These sea horses blew my mind.

IMG_1594Next, please enjoys some assorted fishies.



IMG_1613And finally, a farewell with a flock of flamingos.

IMG_1629Happy end-of-2009 to you!  I hope your 2010 is a joyful one!

Dallas trip – SANS kids!

Bryan and I are back in College Station tonight after spending a few days up in Dallas without our kiddos.  On Monday, Bryan and I drove up to Dallas (it’s about 3 hours) so we could beat the snow/ice/muck that was predicted for Tuesday.  We spent the afternoon wandering around the Galleria…a fancy schmancy super-mall with an ice skating rink in the middle.

Then Monday evening, we headed over to my uncle Kirk and aunt Sue’s house.  Kirk is my mom’s little brother, and I had’t been to his home prior to this trip.  We had a great evening together:)  We started out with dinner at a restaurant that serves a sushi buffet (Osaka Sushi), and then we headed back to his place where the boys played the Wii and the girls looked at clothes.  Overall, it was a fun and happy opportunity to see some lovely people, and I think back on it with a smile.  Kirk and Sue, thanks for hosting us on short notice and for giving us such a nice time!

On Tuesday morning, Bryan and I took the train from Plano to downtown Dallas and spent several hours walking around the amazing Dallas Aquarium.  I was sooo impressed at the layout and the exhibits and the beautiful birds and fishies they had on display.  My favorite critter was the three-toed sloth.  It pulled back from its branch and peered right into my eyes/camera lens for several long moments.  I feel like I was inspected by an alien!  My photos of manatees, toucans, and sea anemones can be found in this photo album.

We met up with Melanie on Tuesday afternoon just before snow started falling with big, thick, fluffy flakes.  Stores closed almost immediately.  They aren’t accustomed to wintery weather here in Texas:)  We ate a late lunch at an amazingly good restaurant called Gorden Biersch. So many key words in their menu…and the Doppelbock beer that Bryan ordered was delish.  I say that as someone who doesn’t like beer-but I kept snitching sips because it was so good!

Since the weather outside was frightful, we spent some happy hours playing cards and watching the Wisconsin Badgers bowl game in the warmth of Mel’s apartment.  Then we headed out for a yummy supper at Melanie’s favorite restaurant, La Hacienda Ranch.  Two margaritas makes me feel quite happy.  That and two days spent without the responsibilities of parent-hood, and Bryan and I were feeling foot loose and fancy free.

We celebrated our lack of responsibilities by going to the 10:45pm showing of the movie Avatar.  And what a movie it was!  We saw it in IMAX 3D, and I can easily state that I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life.  It was visually stunning.  Magical.  Spectacular. I got lucky and dreamed I was one of the People all night.

We all slept until almost 10, which seemed the perfect way to celebrate not having Andrew and Sylvia around.  After poking around town a bit and enjoying a good lunch, Bryan and I said goodbye, hopped back in the car, and headed back down to College.

It was so nice to see our kids!  There’s nothing in the world like being apart from them for a while to make me delight in their little selves all the more.

Tonight, Bryan and his dad are playing chess, LuAnn is reading a new book on Norman Rockwell, and I’m sharing stories with anyone who is interested in listening.  Melanie drives back down tomorrow, and we’ll all get to celebrate new year’s eve and day together before we fly back home on Saturday.

Hope your week has been a relaxing one!

Christmas at home

Bryan and I had a few gifts we were planning on giving the kids before we left.  But we kept forgetting to set it up.  Finally on December 21, we decided to have a little Christmas in Madison.  Granny and Grandad had sent Sylvia a beautiful high chair and some great wooden blocks for Andrew.  We got them a few books.

Here’s some pictures from our Monday morning Christmas (see more in the gallery here)…












Christmas with kiddos is so much fun!

Painting clay…and faces

A week ago, Andrew and Sylvia sat down to paint some clay items they’d made.  The phone rang just after we started.  When I looked back at Sylvia, I found that she’d gotten creative with her choice of canvases.

IMG_0157 I couldn’t decide if I should stop her or just let her keep going.  It’s all non-toxic and washable!

IMG_0159Andrew’s jazzed about his artwork!

IMG_0162Colorful snakes and a star.


My artist at work.

IMG_0163My other artist cleaning up.


Continue reading “Painting clay…and faces”

Christmas morning in Texas

On Christmas morning, the kids waited until almost 7am to wake up.   They were excited, but not over-the-top.  Gleeful:)

When Andrew came out to the living room, he jumped up on the fire place and was so amazed to see that the stockings had been filled overnight.  And Someone had eaten the cookies, leaving only crumbs!

Sylvia’s favorite part of gift unwrapping is pulling off the bows.  After that, she’s pretty much on to the next thing.  Andrew got some pirate gear, and we all got musical instruments.

My album of Christmas morning pictures is available here.

Here Andrew has just rushed into the room and opened his first present.

IMG_1359Handing out some presents to Sylvia…


Sylvia got a baby doll.  Granny made little quilts for both Andrew and Sylvia’s dolls out of adorable ’50s fabrics.  Look at how my sweet girl is tending to her baby.

IMG_1376Christmas morning 2009…


Each stocking contained a rice krispy treat snowman popsicle.  Sylvia loved them and ate several…

IMG_1434Me lounging on a lovely Christmas morning.

IMG_1456Oh dear.  We’ve got a pirate in the house!

IMG_1460A pirate with a hook!

IMG_1465Two pirates!!  This one I call Red Beard.  I think he’s a hot hot pirate.

IMG_1388Andrew and Sylvia are entranced by Veggie Tale’s The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything.

IMG_1482The big kids are doing a scavenger hunt.  Such fun!

IMG_1486A clue hidden behind a 1986 plate decorated by Bryan.

IMG_1487Trying to discern the solution…


Cheers, everyone!  Happy Christmas!!  I hope yours was a grand one:)


Christmas Eve (part deux)

On Christmas Eve, Bryan’s parents (or some mysterious gift giver) give everyone Christmas pjs.  It’s such fun to anticipate what they’ll be!  More pics are available in the photo gallery.

Here’s Sylvia opening up her box of pjs.


Andrew looks at some photos that Granny was taking of him in his new jams.

IMG_1282The kids posing from some Christmas eve jammie photos.


Andrew hugs Sylvia.  She indicates that she feels like she is being strangled.

IMG_1295Here are Granny and Grandad with their little grandkids.

IMG_1301Here’s me and Bryan with our wacky kids…  One of my favorite pictures of the year.

IMG_1307Andrew has his cookies ready for Santa.

IMG_1312Sylvia dances around in her new pjs.  She was sooo excited!

IMG_1283Delivering the cookies to the fire place.

IMG_1313Leaving the cookies at the fireplace.  Moments later, Sylvia completely broke down because she thought they were going to eat the cookies, and when Andrew told her “no,” it broke her heart a little.

IMG_1315The native Dotzours in their Christmas jams.

IMG_1342Here’s our candy cane and flannel-clad crew:)
