Workin’ at Andrew’s preschool

I’m on the board of directors for Andrew’s preschool.  It’s been such a positive experience – being involved in running a stellar non-profit organization again.  I am the treasurer, so I spend lots of time thinking about numbers and taxes and administration.  And at the end of the day when I’ve worked a lot, I feel all warm and content inside.

Monona Grove Nursery School is such a lovely school.  It’s sweet and gentle, and I really enjoy working with the teachers.

I had several projects with the school that I’ve been working on over the last week.  They’ve taken a lot of time.  In general, I find that even when I’m busy with other tasks that my need to write and share means that I write a blog post nearly every day.  However, this month, I’ve felt a little less motivated.  Besides, a lot of my to-do items have people waiting to get the results.  And as far as I know, no one except me is sad when there’s no blog post on a given day.

So we’ll see…I liked writing posts daily in 2009, and I’m trying to decide what a good goal for 2010 should be.  Let me know if you have suggestions:)


12 Replies to “Workin’ at Andrew’s preschool”

  1. My suggestion is to write enough that you feel the connection to your friends and family and followers and get the enjoyment of sitting down and putting your thoughts into words.   You don’t want your blog to turn into a chore that you get stressed about when you haven’t posted in a while.

    1. Thanks Hon.  You know me and how busy I can sometimes get!  Of all the things I do, I usually feel like writing my blog posts is the thing that is the most “for me.”  It helps my mind release thoughts by writing them down.

      So the fact that I wasn’t too motivated to write this month was a little abnormal.

      I’ve found that as I post more frequently, my readership goes up.  I was getting 2,000 readers a month (many repeats included) for much of 2009.  That feels pretty cool!  And it keeps my mind and writing more nimble.

      But I think as long as I’m enjoying what I’m doing then that’s what it’s all about.

      Off to put a chicken in the oven to roast!

  2. I like to read your updates, but I agree with Bryan that it shouldn’t be a chore and sometimes you need to give yourself a break!

  3. while i don't read your posts every day, i do read every one of them. i'd want you on my board, too. it's so HELPFUL when the board has some nice people who DO work, as opposed to just nice people.

  4. I love reading your blog, it makes me feel closer to you! So I have to admit that when it has been many days between blog posts I miss you… 🙂

  5. I find there are days when I post multiple times, and then days where nothing inspires/outrages me to write.  I can’t force the blogging, it has to come as it comes.

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