Reflections and Goals

One of my favorite blogs, SimpleMom, is big into planning.  Works well for me since I’m big into planning too.  Last January, I used her reflection and goal-setting questions to help me make plans for 2009.  It worked pretty well, and I’ve just made Word documents of her 2010 questions that I’m hoping to start filling in today.

In case you’re interested in stepping back and doing some big-picture thinking, here’s Tsh’s 2009 Reflection Questions, her 2010 goal-setting questions, and a good post she did on setting financial goals.   Just so you know, I have no intention of answering every question.  There are too many!!  But I do find it useful to step back and think broadly and then to force myself to think forward and to do some planning about my life and my family and my finances.

What do you think?  Do you like to set personal goals?  Business goals?  Family or financial goals?  Or does the whole thing give you the heebeejeebees and make you want to climb back in bed and wait for 2011?  Different strokes for different folks:)

If you have any resources or suggestions or comments, let me know!

We’re enjoying a sunny Texas January 1.  Right now, Sylvie is sleeping, I’m typing, and the rest of the fam is curled up together watching some football.  Hope your January 1 is off to a good start!

One Reply to “Reflections and Goals”

  1. We’ve got a money conversation (meeting? date?) scheduled for tomorrow, so thanks for these great links! It’s like a little New Year’s present to have great info appear in front of me without having to dig for it.  🙂
    Hope your 2010 is off to a great start!

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