Painting clay…and faces

A week ago, Andrew and Sylvia sat down to paint some clay items they’d made.  The phone rang just after we started.  When I looked back at Sylvia, I found that she’d gotten creative with her choice of canvases.

IMG_0157 I couldn’t decide if I should stop her or just let her keep going.  It’s all non-toxic and washable!

IMG_0159Andrew’s jazzed about his artwork!

IMG_0162Colorful snakes and a star.


My artist at work.

IMG_0163My other artist cleaning up.


Here were a few pictures I was taking with the potential of being Christmas card pics.


I guess that Andrew’s arm around her neck must feel to Sylvia like a bit of a strangle…


Kaleb and Karin, we love the hats you sent!


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