Too cute

Nov. 29: Andrew is so cute these days, it just makes me want to pop.  Bryan feels the same way.  In fact, last night as we were laying in bed, he said, “I think I might love Andrew too much.”  When I asked him why, he said that he was thinking back on all the adorable things he was doing this evening and just wanted to go in and pinch him.
I love that “must-pinch-the-cute-baby” feeling.
We got Andrew a baby doll the other day, and he’s been having fun playing with her.  She is called either Little Sister or Bucky Badger.  He sings to her and puts her down to sleep in the little box she came in.  And last night, he pretended to body slam her.  But thanks to Bryan’s intervention, he only pantomimed the attack.  We’re very gentle with babies.
In other news, my belly is getting enormous.  And the little one in there got the hiccups for the first time the other day.  Nice, rhythmic bumps in my belly.  Last night, she was doing an Irish dance while I was trying to fall asleep. Silly baby!
I added a commenting feature back to the website, and I have plans to upgrade my photo gallery program.  It’s going to involve backing up and migrating databases, so I’m a little nervous, but I’m going to give it a whirl.
Happy last days of November!


Nov. 24: Andrew is such a beautiful, amazing little person.  He’s been sick with a cold for the last week.  The bad cough is gone, and now he just has a runny nose.  Who knows when that will clear up.  Hopefully by April.
The little guy is currently watching Robin Hood again.  He loves that show.  It’s funny to watch him try to walk out of the room when it’s on TV.  He keeps his eyes glued to the screen while his legs move him off to the side.
A few cute things that Andrew has been up to these days:

  • My aunt Julie gave us a book that plays 200 bird songs.  Andrew adores it.  The other day, we actually sat and played each page, which took us an hour and 15 minutes.  It is absolutely his favorite book/activity these days.
  • Andrew is taken up an adorable habit of saying to his toys or to me or Bryan or to stuffed animals in stores, “You are my BEST friend.  I love you SO MUCH.”
  • Sometimes when I say something like, “OK, sweet boy.” Andrew will reply, “OK, sweet Mommy.”  He knows how to make a mom feel good!
  • Andrew is crazy about identifying capial letters.  He loves me to write his name in capital letters over and over and over.  He’s not, however into lower-case letters.  In fact, if I try to mix some lower letters in to a writing game, he kind of freaks out and tries to desroy the paper.
  • On Thanksgiving morning, Andrew ran around Terry’s house (often on Maretta’s back) calling out “Happy THANKSGIVING!”

Thanksgiving Recap

thanksgiving.jpgNov. 24: Ahhh, a quiet day to take a deep breath and look back on the last week.  Our Thanksgiving turned out pretty well.  I was kind of expecting it to be “not-bad” if all went well, but I would actually say that it was a pretty nice day.  It’s been hard to approach the holidays with Mom being gone.  Michael and I planned out Joe came home from Bowdoin on Tuesday night.  It was his first time back home since September.  Joe, Michael, Becky, and Lisa came over on Wednesday, and we made pies and prepped items so everything was ready to go for Thursday morning.
Maretta and Kyle drove in through the snow on Wednesday night.  On Sunday morning, Maretta watched Andrew while Bryan drove to Janesville to get Mum and I wrapped up most of the rest of the meal.  We headed to Terry’s house around
11:30 where we used his multiple ovens and warming ovens to get the meal ready for a 1:15 dinner.
Pictures of the day are in the gallery.

We had a group of fourteen for our Thanksgiving meal: Terry, Tom, Terry’s neighbor, Connie Maxwell, Nancy Thurow, Mum, Dad, Bryan, Andrew, myself, Michael, Lisa, Maretta, Kyle, and Joe.  Our menu was smoked turkey from Greensburg, Texas, spanikopita made by Lisa, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, green beans, pink salad, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and Grandma’s turkey (sugar) cookies.

After dinner, Andrew went down for his nap really nicely, Dad did a massive dish-cleaning job, and we all attempted to digest.  Dad headed to Monroe in the evening to take a Thanksgiving supper to Grandma and uncle Gary.  The boys (Bryan, Michael, Joe, and Kyle) broke out the poker set, and they had fun playing together well into the evening.

On Friday morning, we gathered together again for a day-trip to Chicago.  Eleven of us made the trip: Terry, Connie, Bryan, Andrew, myself, Michael, Lisa, Maretta, Kyle, Joe, and Becky.  We drove down to The historic Women’s Athletic Club in downtown Chicago. The reason we were crazy enough to brave a trip to Chicago on Black Friday?  Ron of Japan shrimp sauce.  Mom ate a Ron of Japan while she was pregnant with each of us kids.  I ate there when I was pregnant with Andrew, and so a trip was required to ensure the quality of this little one on-the-way.

After a really nice lunch at Connie’s club, some of us braved the incredible crowds to venture onto North Michigan to see the decorations and, er, experience the chaos.  A little bit was more than enough, but it’s not often that I have the opportunity to shop in Chicago.  So we spent a few hours poking around.  Then at 5 we rejoined the rest of our group at the club and moved on to Ron of Japan.  Andrew did a great job all day despite his lack of a nap, and we made it all the way home, even though we almost ran out of gas in the last half-mile.

Overall, it was a full, fun day.  I wish my health had been better.  Bryan was sick on Sunday-Wednesday, and I got sick Tuesday-today.  Just a normal, winter sore throat, stuffy nose and cough thing.  Hopefully I didn’t infect everyone I cooked for on Thanksgiving!

Hope your holiday was a good one!

29 Week update – What a belly!

Nov. 24: This pregnancy is going so easily.  I really enjoy being pregnant:)  The little one (now the size of a butternut squash!) is sometimes very active and sometimes really quiet.  When she is turned in the right direction, you can feel her head or butt or back pretty clearly.  Sometimes she seems to be tapping out a little rhythm that I only notice if I’m sitting quietly.
Andrew has been roll-playing baby all the time.  He likes to be carried like a baby, and he sometimes likes to do baby talk.  Recently, he’s started saying, “Now I’m a baby.  Now I’m big Andrew!”
I’ve done some more shopping for this new baby.  Knowing how quickly they grow, and finding it therapeutic as I miss Mom, I’ve had fun continuing to build the little ones’ wardrobe.  I added pictures in the gallery. week 29 update

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you’ll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby’s hardening skeleton each day.

My little cabbage (mon petit chou)

Nov. 17: She’s getting so big!  I’ve definitely got a belly.  My winter coat is starting to strain, and it won’t be long until I’m switching over to Bryan’s jackets.  The little one actually woke me up the other night with her activity, and she’s made me gasp out loud when she gives an unexpected kick.  My 28 week appointment is next Tuesday.  Gluclose testing time!

28 week update
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She’s also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

27 week update
This week your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14.4 inches long with his legs extended. He can now open and close his eyes, and he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. He may suck his fingers, and although his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with assistance — if he were to be born prematurely. Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and isn’t bothersome to him, so enjoy the tickle. With more brain tissue developing, your baby’s brain is very active now. Wonder what he’s thinking?

Our full days

mumandalthea.jpgNov. 17: Andrew is taking an extra-long nap this afternoon, which is good, because I think the little guy’s cold has gone from mild to more severe.  He woke up crying several times with a bad cough.  I wish there was something I could do for him.
Bryan’s out of town this weekend at a conference for work, so Andrew and I have been spending our time enjoying some productive time at home.  Michael and Lisa came over this morning, and while Michael watched Andrew, Lisa and I did a big shopping trip for all the items we’ll need for our Thanksgiving dinner.

We’re having about 15 people over to Terry’s house on Thursday.  Lisa is making spanakopita, and I’m going to work on the other elements with the help of Michael and Joe on Wednesday.  This year we’ve ordered a smoked turkey from Texas.  Something new.  Other than that, the menu is pretty traditional.  It’s possible that both our grandmas will join us for the day.

Last weekend, Bryan, Andrew, and I drove down to Janesville to see Mum (my mom’s mom) for lunch.  Mum moved to a new assisted living home last month, so we got to see her nice new place and enjoy a meal together.  Pictures of Mum’s new digs are in the gallery.  Last weekend, we also planted most of the bulbs that my good friends gave me when Mom died.  I’m hoping for a big display of tulips and daffodils next spring.

On Monday last week, we went to a baby celebration for one of my old co-workers who is expecting a baby in January.  Clara, Alex, and Andrew had fun playing together, and it was fun to be one of the mamas-with-bellies at the event.

I’ve been spending some of my evenings typing up Mom’s recipes for a cook-book that I’m hoping to have ready by Christmas.  I’ve also been working on pulling together Christmas cards from the Babler family and from myself.  And I have this silly idea that we should finish up with sanding, priming, and painting the bathroom at some point.  So these days, I feel like my evenings have been full but productive.  I’ve been working on a sweater for Andrew, and it’s slowly coming along.  I think I have a finished-by-Christmas goal for that one too.

That’s the news for now!  Happy Thanksgiving preparations:)

Readings from Hospice

The following responsive readings are from Hospice and suggested for for reciting during gatherings to honor those you have lost.

We Give Thanks

We give thanks.

For the memories that we treasure
because of her,
We give thanks.

For the good that she shaped in us,

We give thanks

For the enjoyment and growth that they called forth in
We give thanks.

If there is any last
word we need to say to her,
In the silence of this moment we say it

In the silence we let her go from us,
While we will hold dear her memory.

Mercy beyond our imagining,
In gratitude for all good
gifts around us,
We embrace life and all our days.


We Remember Her

At the rising of the sun and in its going down,
remember her.

At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,

We remember her.
At the opening of buds and in the rebirth of spring,

We remember her.
At the shining of the sun and the warmth of summer,

We remember her.
At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of
We remember her.
At the beginning of the year and at its end,

We remember her. As long as we live, she too will live;
For she is now a part of us,
As we remember her.

When we are weary and in need of
We remember her.
When we are lost and sick at heart,
remember her.

When we have joy we crave to share,
We remember her.

When we have decisions that are difficult to make
We remember her.

When we have achievements that are based on theirs,
We remember her.

As long as we live, she too will live;

For she is now a part of us,

As we remember her.

Sharing the stories told at Mom’s funeral

Nov. 7: Today is the two-month anniversary of my mom’s funeral.  It’s been an odd journey these past couple months.  There’s a lot of sadness, a lot of normalness, a lot of happiness, and a lot of trepidation about how we all move forward.  The second half of Mom’s funeral gave people a chance to come up and say something about my mom.  The speakers have generously shared their comments with me so I could post them more broadly.  Here they are:
Dad, Mary Read (mom’s friend from childhood), Nancy McElmurry (mom’s friend from when I was little), Paula Kopp (mom’s cousin), Heather Lerner (my friend and one of mom’s adopted children), and Terry.

Grandpa’s funeral

IMG_4207.jpgNov. 6: We’re back home after spending the day in Monroe for my grandpa’s funeral.  Michael, Lisa, Maretta, Kyle, Bryan, and I drove down this morning amidst some windy, chilly November weather.  The sun shone on and off through the day, and the wind made the weather rather nippy.
Grandpa’s funeral was really nice.  The priest who did the service has known Grandma and Grandpa for 35 years, and his homily focused on five of the things that were important and special about Grandpa: his faith, his family, his work, his military service, and his personality (including his musical talents).  He also said some really nice things about Grandma and the wonderful person who she is.
After the funeral, we ate a yummy luncheon where we got an opportunity to talk to some of our relatives.  A contingent of us then traveled out to the cemetery for a burial that included a military honor guard.  The sun came out to warm us at just the right moments, and a lone bugle played taps as a lovely end to the service.
We went to Grandma’s for some Oreos and conversation before heading back to Madison.  Photos of the visitation on Monday night and of the events of the day are in the gallery.

Jessica’s baby arrived

celia.jpgNov. 6: I just got a phone message from my friend Jessica, and she told me that her sweet baby girl was born this morning.  Celia Corrina-Jane Klabough was born
today at 10:45 AM.  Celia was 8 lbs 8
oz, 20 inches long and has a full head of black hair. What wonderful news!  Eli is a big brother:)