
Nov. 24: Andrew is such a beautiful, amazing little person.  He’s been sick with a cold for the last week.  The bad cough is gone, and now he just has a runny nose.  Who knows when that will clear up.  Hopefully by April.
The little guy is currently watching Robin Hood again.  He loves that show.  It’s funny to watch him try to walk out of the room when it’s on TV.  He keeps his eyes glued to the screen while his legs move him off to the side.
A few cute things that Andrew has been up to these days:

  • My aunt Julie gave us a book that plays 200 bird songs.  Andrew adores it.  The other day, we actually sat and played each page, which took us an hour and 15 minutes.  It is absolutely his favorite book/activity these days.
  • Andrew is taken up an adorable habit of saying to his toys or to me or Bryan or to stuffed animals in stores, “You are my BEST friend.  I love you SO MUCH.”
  • Sometimes when I say something like, “OK, sweet boy.” Andrew will reply, “OK, sweet Mommy.”  He knows how to make a mom feel good!
  • Andrew is crazy about identifying capial letters.  He loves me to write his name in capital letters over and over and over.  He’s not, however into lower-case letters.  In fact, if I try to mix some lower letters in to a writing game, he kind of freaks out and tries to desroy the paper.
  • On Thanksgiving morning, Andrew ran around Terry’s house (often on Maretta’s back) calling out “Happy THANKSGIVING!”