Our full days

mumandalthea.jpgNov. 17: Andrew is taking an extra-long nap this afternoon, which is good, because I think the little guy’s cold has gone from mild to more severe.  He woke up crying several times with a bad cough.  I wish there was something I could do for him.
Bryan’s out of town this weekend at a conference for work, so Andrew and I have been spending our time enjoying some productive time at home.  Michael and Lisa came over this morning, and while Michael watched Andrew, Lisa and I did a big shopping trip for all the items we’ll need for our Thanksgiving dinner.

We’re having about 15 people over to Terry’s house on Thursday.  Lisa is making spanakopita, and I’m going to work on the other elements with the help of Michael and Joe on Wednesday.  This year we’ve ordered a smoked turkey from Texas.  Something new.  Other than that, the menu is pretty traditional.  It’s possible that both our grandmas will join us for the day.

Last weekend, Bryan, Andrew, and I drove down to Janesville to see Mum (my mom’s mom) for lunch.  Mum moved to a new assisted living home last month, so we got to see her nice new place and enjoy a meal together.  Pictures of Mum’s new digs are in the gallery.  Last weekend, we also planted most of the bulbs that my good friends gave me when Mom died.  I’m hoping for a big display of tulips and daffodils next spring.

On Monday last week, we went to a baby celebration for one of my old co-workers who is expecting a baby in January.  Clara, Alex, and Andrew had fun playing together, and it was fun to be one of the mamas-with-bellies at the event.

I’ve been spending some of my evenings typing up Mom’s recipes for a cook-book that I’m hoping to have ready by Christmas.  I’ve also been working on pulling together Christmas cards from the Babler family and from myself.  And I have this silly idea that we should finish up with sanding, priming, and painting the bathroom at some point.  So these days, I feel like my evenings have been full but productive.  I’ve been working on a sweater for Andrew, and it’s slowly coming along.  I think I have a finished-by-Christmas goal for that one too.

That’s the news for now!  Happy Thanksgiving preparations:)