Too cute

Nov. 29: Andrew is so cute these days, it just makes me want to pop.  Bryan feels the same way.  In fact, last night as we were laying in bed, he said, “I think I might love Andrew too much.”  When I asked him why, he said that he was thinking back on all the adorable things he was doing this evening and just wanted to go in and pinch him.
I love that “must-pinch-the-cute-baby” feeling.
We got Andrew a baby doll the other day, and he’s been having fun playing with her.  She is called either Little Sister or Bucky Badger.  He sings to her and puts her down to sleep in the little box she came in.  And last night, he pretended to body slam her.  But thanks to Bryan’s intervention, he only pantomimed the attack.  We’re very gentle with babies.
In other news, my belly is getting enormous.  And the little one in there got the hiccups for the first time the other day.  Nice, rhythmic bumps in my belly.  Last night, she was doing an Irish dance while I was trying to fall asleep. Silly baby!
I added a commenting feature back to the website, and I have plans to upgrade my photo gallery program.  It’s going to involve backing up and migrating databases, so I’m a little nervous, but I’m going to give it a whirl.
Happy last days of November!