Hiking with Aunt Melanie

During Melanie’s visit here last weekend, we enjoyed a walk at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center.  We had two fearless trail leaders to blaze the way.  One of them was sporting a new princess dress made by Granny as her Halloween costume.

Here Sylvie is jumping from stump to stump in a circle…a favorite and long-enjoyed activity.


Love this blue sky.  Still lots of leaves on trees, but we’re seeing more and more bare brances.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_004

Melanie’s hair is so petty in the sunshine.  It shines like copper!10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_006Here’s our crew (minus me!).

There’s Bryan and Mel on a pier on the pond.

I just love the way that the dried flowers glow when back-lit by the sun.  Such a different look from their summer blooms, but really just as striking.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_023

New favorite picture of Melanie and Bryan in the woods.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_036

She wasn’t really taller than him…just standing on a rock:)10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_037

I love the energy in the look that Andrew and Sylvie are giving each other.  Wonder what they were talking about:)10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_047

Other new favorite picture!10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_049

Melanie with her niece and nephew.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_058

Princess Sylvie running down the path.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_063

Here’s Sylvia and Andrew sitting on the dock…10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_066…and a few minutes later, Melanie and Bryan.  Sibling mirrors.


Such beautiful color!10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_067

Pensive princess examining the foliage.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_074

Leaping and running!


Getting a lift from Aunt Mel10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_087

Spinning!!!  Sylvie’s hair is really quite long when it’s not all bouncing up in curls:)10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_094

Mel and Sylvie under a red maple.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_096

Melanie taking a picture of Bryan and Sylvie.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_101That’s what I’ve got for photos of our time with Melanie.  We’ll see her again at Christmas, which in some ways feels like a long time, but those two months of November and December are probably going to fly by!  Thanks for coming up, Mel! We love you. xoxo

Pumpkin carving with Melanie

Hello, and Happy Halloween!

It’s been over a month since I last wrote a post, but all that’s about to change.  I’ve got 17 posts cued up, so throughout November, you’ll get to see all the things we did in September and October!  I usually post pictures on Flickr as-they-happen, so you can always check out my Flickr stream to get a sneak peek when there’s a posting drought.  My plate has been wonderfully…almost overwhelmingly full on the photography front this last month, and work gets priority over the blog:)  But Bryan’s sister, Melanie, visited us last weekend, and I want to share pictures from that visit.  So you’ll get a peek at our last few days before jumping back to see the colors of September.

As I type, I’m looking out my window at our beautiful maple.  It’s a deep golden.  The leaves are damp, and the sky is gray, and somehow that seems to deepen and enhance the saturation of the colors.  It almost takes my breath away, it’s so deeply beautiful:)

We were all delighted to have Melanie fly up to Wisconsin to visit us last weekend, and as always, we had a great time playing together.  We watched the last game of the World Series, played Quirkle Cubed, went to a Badger Women’s hockey game, joined some hordes of costumed kids on State Street and saw Wayne the Wizard do his Halloween magic show, went for a hike at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center, and in general, just enjoyed being together.

Since today is Halloween, I thought I’d share some photos of yesterday’s pumpkin carving…

Here’s Bryan and Andrew working on a little pumpkin.  They’re pounding golf tees in it.


Here’s our work station.


Andrew’s carving a pumpkin face for the first time.10-30-11_MelaniesVisit_012

Cute little triangle nose.10-30-11_MelaniesVisit_013

So proud of his handiwork!10-30-11_MelaniesVisit_015

Now Sylvie gets a turn.10-30-11_MelaniesVisit_016

Andrew and Melanie carve a detailed witch scene into this big guy.10-30-11_MelaniesVisit_019

Sylv with the finished pumpkin product.10-30-11_MelaniesVisit_021

Mel worked hard on this one, and it looks great!10-30-11_MelaniesVisit_028


Our 2011 Jack-O-Lanterns.  The one on the right Andrew designed (see his picture), and I cut.


Here’s Bryan and his sister.  ❤10-30-11_MelaniesVisit_038


It’ll be fun to put lights in the Jack-O-Lanterns tonight and to see them decorating the front porch as we do our neighborhood trick-or-treating rounds!

Jump around

Happy Monday morning.  I know it can take a bit to get going on a Monday after a beautiful weekend, so here’s a video of Andrew and Sylvia to help you start your day with a chuckle.

They’re at a Badger’s women’s soccer game, dancing to the song Jump Around.  Where they learned how to:

  • shake their booties like that
  • do the robot dance

I don’t know:)

[flickr video=6169347753]

Sylvie in Texas

Sylvia had the great pleasure of taking a trip to Texas to visit Granny and Grandad all by herself over labor day weekend.  Granny flew up to pick her up, and for most of a week, she enjoyed some solo time with her grandparents and Aunt Melanie.

As part of her visit, Sylv got to go to a real Texas boot and clothing store, and she got decked out!


There’s my girl, sporting her new duds.


Happy Sylv with her Aunt Mel.09-05-11_Texas_003

There’s my girl riding Ginger.  Giddy up!09-05-11_Texas_004

Sylv got to bring home some new leotards…happy girl!09-05-11_Texas_005

All ready to head back home…



Granny brought Sylvie back home too! Here they are at the airport!


Cowgirl Sylvie’s rounding up some orange critters at the airport.



It was so fun to watch Sylv come down the escalator after not seeing her for a week.  That girl is fun to be around!  Andrew was happy to have his sister back too.


Thanks Granny and Grandad for giving us a week-long break!  It feels so good to know that Andrew and Sylvia get to spend time with you.  It’s hugely enjoyed by all!

Sylvie at preschool

Sylvia started preschool at Monona Grove Nursery School this month.  She is L.O.V.I.N.G. it!  09-01-11_FirstDayofSchool_055

She’s been tagging along as we took Andrew to preschool since she was six months old.  For the last couple years, she’s been longing to be allowed to play in the big preschool rooms, and now, at long last, it’s her turn.09-01-11_FirstDayofSchool_058

Sylvia is in Jodi and Sue’s classroom.  She’s worn this Minnie Mouse costume every day.09-01-11_FirstDayofSchool_069

Here she is playing with Sue.09-01-11_FirstDayofSchool_071Sylvie goes to ballet and tap class on Tuesdays, to Donna’s house all day on Wednesdays, and then to preschool on Thursday and Friday mornings.  It’s a nice schedule, and I’m loving the new structure our weeks contain.

Here’s a quick video of Sylvia on her way to preschool for her first day of Lunch Bunch.  Such a cutie.  She’s loving life these days:)

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Canoing on the Wisconsin

Sylvia had a solo visit to Texas with Granny and Grandad over Labor Day weekend.  Boy, oh, boy did she have fun!  While she was enjoying some one-on-one time with her grandparents, we decided to take Andrew on an overnight canoeing trip – something we don’t yet feel would be wise with Miss Sylv.

We packed up on Sunday and headed west from Madison.  Bryan’s friends loaned us their canoe.  We left the canoe at Tom’s place in Lone Rock, and then we shuttled the van downsteam to Blue River and left it at the Blue River bridge.  We drove the other car back up to Tom’s, and put in to the lovely Wisconsin River in the mid-afternoon.

It’s so beautiful out there.  So peaceful and gentle and serene.  I ♥ the Wisconsin River!!

Andrew sat in the middle of the canoe on a milk crate, and he read Charlotte’s Web or helped paddle or snacked or chatted with us.  A couple hours later, we found a nice sand bar and stopped for the night.


Andrew helped us gather up kindling for our fire, set up the tent, and get our food all ready.


He also ran races with himself up and down the sandbar to that clump of willows below.


The sunset was so beautiful!


Photo by Andrew:)


Here’s the three of us.  Love.


Bryan got a good fire going, and he cooked up hamburgers.


This fire made some of the best marshmallow-roasting coals I’ve experienced in many-a-year.  We sat up late together and watched the fire until it went out.  Then we all snuggled in to the 2.5 person tent for a good night’s sleep. At least, Andrew and I slept well:)


The next day, we loaded up and headed back down the river.  We played lots of “In my father’s grocery store” and “I’m going on a picnic and I’m going to bring…” games.  We sang a little and snacked.  Mid-morning, we stopped at this sandbar for a little running, cartwheeling, and snacking.


Is there a prettier landscape in all the world?


There’s the boys with the canoe!


Happy kid!


Andrew finished Charlotte’s Web in the mid-afternoon.  We’d planned the trip to take us until about 1:30pm.  And sure enough, at 1:30pm, we got to the Blue River bridge.  But there wasn’t a parking area where we thought there should be.  Confused, we decided to press on, hoping that there was a second (??) Blue River bridge just around the next corner.  Three hours of heavy paddling later, we made it to the next boat landing in Boscobel.  It turns out that there’s a big island in the middle of the Blue River bridge.  We were only seeing one span, and what we thought was the shore was the island.

So we’d paddling an extra 12 miles or so to a place where our car was not.  Fortunately, a nice retired police officer drove Bryan back to our van in Blue River while Andrew and I waited at the canoe.  It ended up being a four-hour detour, but it all ended up just fine.

We got home around dark…tired and feeling good.  Can’t wait for more adventures like these with my family!

<Click on the map below for a bigger view of the route we paddled.>

First sleepover

On Labor Day weekend, Andrew had his first sleep over.  He and Alivia had been talking about it for ages, and at last it seemed like the right time.

It was fun to have our Alivia girl over for supper.  Afterwards, we roasted marshmallows.


I love her look in this picture!09-02-11_sleepover_006

These kids have become expert pepper harvesters.  I planted six pepper seedlings this spring, and they’ve produced well.  Bryan’s made pepper jelly and hot pepper sauce, and the freezer is full of more to process!09-02-11_sleepover_009



I think they’ve only eaten one or two.  They’re not too hot, but I think they have fun daring each other to test the spiciness!09-02-11_sleepover_018

The next morning, I had to get a picture of these two buddies. 09-03-11_sleepover_023


I have no idea what they are doing in these photos.09-03-11_sleepover_024


So glad that we have friends like these just down the street.  Andrew and Alivia have know each other their whole lives.  Well, at least Andrew’s whole life.  He’s a year younger.09-03-11_sleepover_032Petitions have been put in for sleepover #2.  Since the first went so well, I think we’ll be happy to oblige, but I’ve indicated my preference for no more than one per month:)  They are counting the days until October.

Hard to believe that we have sleep-over aged kids!

Sibling time

Andrew and Sylvia can be so sweet together.  I just love those kiddos so much!  Have I mentioned recently how cute they are together?  Oh, they are:)

Andrew is such a kind and loving big brother.08-29-11_FirstDayofSchool_003

Many days when Andrew is walking home from school, Sylvia will run down the street toward him, her arms spread wide.  And Andrew then runs toward her, his arms spread wide.  They meet half-way down the block in a big sibling embrace.  Reminds me of the scene from the Muppet Movie where Kermit and Miss Piggy are running toward each other through a flower-strewn meadow.  Makes my heart spark and pulse with happiness.

08-29-11_FirstDayofSchool_017In and amidst the sibling squabbles, there’s so much love and fun between these two.  Sometimes when they’re watching a movie and Andrew is feeling a bit worried, Sylvia bravely states, “Don’t worry, Andrew, I’ll protect you.”  And of course, he does the same for her.

Sometimes the two of them get laughing about something (often a bare bootie or a “sweet potato” as we oft refer to them), and they roll on the floor together, cackling and laughing so hard they can’t breathe.

They play games where Andrew is the villain and Sylvia is the girl baby or Andrew is the pirate and Sylvia is the pirate baby.  Or Andrew is a caped superhero and Sylvia is a tiny “born baby.”  See a theme? gaa gaa

Sylv enjoys having time at home by herself.  Franky, I think she relishes the solo time.  However, nothing beats having a cool brother to come home at the end of the day to play with her.

I’m so glad these two have each other.  Love you, kiddos!

Evening at Tenney Park with golden light

On a beautiful evening in late August, we took the kids to Tenney Park.  Our first stop was to New Orleans Take Out to get shrimp po’boys.  We ate them on a picnic table and then took a walk out on the pier.  That combo has been a Babler summer evening tradition for decades.  And the warm light of the sunset was so beautiful on my boy as he froliced on the rocks.









08-17-11_Tenney_046Sun drenched, with blond hair and bronzed skin…it was a great summer!

Ballet class

Sylvia loves her dance classes.  She’s always excited to go.  Many costume changes ensue.  On this, her last day of summer ballet class, she ended up going with non-dance clothes.  Ahh well!  That’s what happens when you change 6-7 times before 10am.

Sylvie’s dance instructor at the Y is Ari.  She’s wonderful:)

Stretching out…


Love all the tutus!


On the last day of the session, parents come in to watch.  It’s so fun to see how the different kids handle the audience.


Ari gives the kids some direction, and then it gives me a big smile to see how the kids apply those directions to their own movements.


Love the sweet expression on this little one:)

Sylv is thinking with her tongue here.  Just like her mama.


And reach!





They’re all so earnest!  It’s adorable.


I love Sylv’s long limbs.


This one might be my favorite picture of the session.  Graceful teacher, practicing student.


Big steps!


Gazelle-like leap over the beanbag.




Some free dance at the end.  I love this sequence of Sylv coming around and then jumping.08-18-11_Ballet_07808-18-11_Ballet_07908-18-11_Ballet_080I was planning to have Sylvie take a dancing break this fall, but she wants to be signed up, so we’re doing tap (and maybe ballet again) at the YMCA-NE on Tuesdays.  I think she’ll have fun!