Sylvia loves her dance classes. She’s always excited to go. Many costume changes ensue. On this, her last day of summer ballet class, she ended up going with non-dance clothes. Ahh well! That’s what happens when you change 6-7 times before 10am.
Sylvie’s dance instructor at the Y is Ari. She’s wonderful:)
Stretching out…
Love all the tutus!
On the last day of the session, parents come in to watch. It’s so fun to see how the different kids handle the audience.
Ari gives the kids some direction, and then it gives me a big smile to see how the kids apply those directions to their own movements.
Love the sweet expression on this little one:)
Sylv is thinking with her tongue here. Just like her mama.
And reach!
They’re all so earnest! It’s adorable.
I love Sylv’s long limbs.
This one might be my favorite picture of the session. Graceful teacher, practicing student.
Big steps!
Gazelle-like leap over the beanbag.
Some free dance at the end. I love this sequence of Sylv coming around and then jumping.I was planning to have Sylvie take a dancing break this fall, but she wants to be signed up, so we’re doing tap (and maybe ballet again) at the YMCA-NE on Tuesdays. I think she’ll have fun!