Snack Taxi’s – Reusable snack bags for sale NOW

The time has come (the walrus said) to talk of snacks and things…

Sylvia’s preschool is selling some great reusable snack bags as a school fundraiser.  I first learned about Snack Taxi bags a few years ago at a play date.  The kids had been racing around the playground for a while when my friend Laura pulled some cute grape-filled bags out of her purse and handed them to her hot kids.  I hadn’t been so prepared, and thankfully, her kids were willing to share with mine.  Laura said the bags were machine washable and worked great – the nylon interior is easily cleaned…so I went home and ordered a few of my own.  Since then, I’ve been steadily increasing our stash.  I love ’em!

I can’t begin to count the number of times we use these bags when we leave the house with a bag of crackers or nuts or carrots or grapes.  It feels good to not be throwing plastic baggies into the trash each day, and I think it sets a good standard for Andrew and Sylvia about not using disposable items – Reuse!  Plus, all materials are lead, phthalate and BPA free, and SnackTaxi is a mom-run business.

The Dotzour family currently owns two sandwich-size bags, four snack-size bags, and a cute napkin.  I think we need to double that amount since Andrew takes a lunch three days a week and Sylvie is taking a lunch to school a couple days a week, so our rinsed-out bags don’t have time to dry before they are needed again.  Now, the question is…which patterns to buy (that organic fruit pattern is one)!

Monona Grove Nursery School receives 40% of the proceeds from these sales, so you can place a big order, knowing that nearly half of it is going to support the creative, fun, and nurturing work of Sylvie’s lovely school.

To order, click on this Snack Taxi link that will take you directory to the school’s fundraising page.  You might also note “Monona Grove Nursery School fundraiser” in the comments box when you place your order just to confirm.  Your order is shipped directly to you.  The sale is open through September 30, so don’t delay.  Thanks so much, and feel free to message me ( if you have any questions.  Cheers!

Play date with Olivia and Hailey

Andrew and Olivia were at Monona Grove Nursery School together for two years.  Here’s Olivia in 2008.  What a curly-headed heart-breaker she was!

Here’s Olivia now in 2011.  Love her energy!



Three kids on a hammock.08-11-11_cerro_017

Hailey and Syliva will be in the same preschool class together this fall, and they’ve been in the same Toddler Time class at Monona Grove for the last couple years.

What a cutie!  Love you guys:)08-11-11_cerro_022

Last swimming lessons pics of the season

In practice, getting the kids to swimming lessons is often more complicated than it seems in my mind.  I imagine warm days of flipflops and swim suits…parking my car at Jessica’s and walking down to the pool together amidst a gaggle of happy kids.  Somehow, it seems that at least one kid is mad or hurt or doesn’t want to go or wants to be carried.  In my mind, the green trees and flowers sway in the wind as our pool bags sway in our hands.  We walk and catch up and breathe in the summer.  In practice, this often means suppressing eye rolls as one or more child bemoans an injustice or dawdles far behind or has a scraped knee.

We’re often late, and it’s usually not as easy as I imagine, but still, going to swimming lessons is one of my very favorite parts of the whole year.  I L.O.V.E. love it.  And when I’m not soothing or threatening or cajoling or comforting or consequencing we’re all smiles.


Post-swim, the kids like some “toaster time” while wrapped in their towels.  They’re both getting so comfortable in the water.

Thanks, Joe, for these pictures of my kids and me.  I love ’em.



On the way to the locker room, the kids are spreading out on the ground to bask.08-10-11_Joe_097

Here’s a couple pictures of Andrew by Joe.  Silly guy!



So long, Monona pool!  See you next summer!

Silly at the pool

I’m writing this on a chilly September morning, and the idea of being in the pool seems waaay to chilly.  But looking at these pictures, I can remember those August days with a smile.   Andrew and Eli were both in Level II at the Monona pool, and the girls were both Squirts.  I asked the boys for a “buddy” picture.  Eli was more into the idea of a “zombie” picture.  I’ve got to say, this sequence makes me laugh.




Not one to miss out on some silly action Sylvia joined the fray.  Love this picture of her:)


Hopping up on Andrew’s back, the boys look a little more normal.  Goofy photo grins, but less zombie-esque.



There’s Jessica warming up a wet CC.  We sure had a fun August session of swimming lessons at the pool!  One of my favorite parts of summer.08-08-11_Joe_020

Joe’s August visit

My posts this week are harking back a month to early August.  Joe flew home to Wisconsin from DC for our weekend at Jack’s, and then he stayed a few extra days.  The kids and I really enjoyed hanging out with him!

Here’s a couple compromising pictures of Joe riding Uncle Kirk’s tractor from the 1950s.08-09-11_Joe_025


We took Joe with us to swimming lessons, and one day, we visited the beach and the zoo.  Here’s Joe on the carousel.  08-09-11_Joe_028

Andrew’s riding a caterpillar.08-09-11_Joe_030

Sylv is on the otter.  I love how she gives her mount a kiss when she gets off.08-09-11_Joe_031

Here’s Joe helping his nephew and niece see the tiger.08-09-11_Joe_037

One night, we met up with Michael and Tom and Terry and Dad and had ice cream at Michael’s.  Then we played at Wingra playground and walked down to the lake.08-09-11_Joe_045

Everyone got in on the swinging action.  Except me.  I get sick.08-09-11_Joe_049


Sylv looks like she’s feeling a bit torn up inside.08-09-11_Joe_065

Walking down to the water.08-09-11_Joe_066

What a pretty night!08-09-11_Joe_068

There’s Dad and kids and bubs on the pier.

You can feel summer ooze out of the image below…08-09-11_Joe_078

There’s Tom and Joe and Terry enjoying the view.  Joe, it was so fun having you visit!  Come back soon!08-09-11_Joe_081

Jack’s weekend – part 3

Our family is pretty big into traditions and routines.  At Jack’s, we eat the same foods and do the same things.  And in a way, that makes the whole experience feel a little like Christmas.  Excess eating, lots of laughter, knowing exactly what comes next.

On Saturday night, we had peaches and buttermilk biscuits with cream.  Yum!  Here, Jack’s helping prep the peaches.08-06-11_Jacks_229

We’ve been having some big issues with which version of Trivial Pursuit to use.  Terry likes the original, but none of the next generation know any of the answers to those questions.  The other versions we’ve tried have questions that are either harder or more stupid/trivial, so the debate continues.08-06-11_Jacks_234


Rolling and moving

Lots of ribbing of Terry and laughter.


Sunday morning, we lay out the final breakfast feast.  Bryan’s making French toast.


I love this picture of me and my siblings, but I feel like a midget.  Mental note, I should stand in the middle…08-07-11_Jacks_280

Hugging goodbye before Maretta and Kyle head back home to Minnesota.  A moment with Joe and Kyle.08-07-11_Jacks_288

Maretta and Terry08-07-11_Jacks_290

Pretty plant outside Jack’s front door.08-07-11_Jacks_291

Maretta says goodbye to Andrew and Sylvia08-07-11_Jacks_29208-07-11_Jacks_296

For the last four years, I’ve brought a bouquet of flowers in memory of Mommy.  She is so much a part of this weekend, and her absence deeply felt.  Mommy, we miss you.08-07-11_Jacks_294

On Sunday late morning, Jack drove his truck up to the high prairie so we could all take a look.08-07-11_Jacks_299


Sylvie doesn’t like the “shiny sun.”  My glasses seem to help.


Andrew’s tired out from an active weekend.  He’s sleeping in the bed of the pickup truck on Bryan’s lap.08-07-11_Jacks_347

We have pictures over the years of Michael and Joe up on Jack’s garage (the back side of the garage is close to the ground for easy access).  Here they introduce young Andrew to the tradition.


So ends Jack’s float weekend 2011.  Time spent with my brothers and sisters fills me up.  Thanks, guys, for a great time!

Jack’s weekend – Day 2

The cornerstone activity of our summer float weekend at Jack’s is the Saturday float.  We all don our life preservers, drive upstream a couple miles, wade into the Wisconsin River, and float our way down to Jack’s.  Here’s our 2011 crew in the obligatory pre-float photo:

08-06-11_Jacks_131Michael is either playing with Andrew or abusing him.08-06-11_Jacks_122


This year’s float took a little longer than normal, and we should have brought some sunscreen on the river for a mid-trip re-apply.  Oh well!  08-06-11_Jacks_139

Such a cute kid:)


After the float, there’s reading and napping.08-06-11_Jacks_135

Maretta brought her new spinning wheel, and here she’s letting Sylvie help her work the treadle.08-06-11_Jacks_152

Mid-afternoon, Jack to me and Dad and Matt up the hill to take a look at the prairie.08-06-11_Jacks_155

There’s no place like Jack’s prairie.  I just love it!08-06-11_Jacks_165

The big bluestem grasses are tall.  You can see the bluffs across the river in the distance.08-06-11_Jacks_168

Some bee balm.08-06-11_Jacks_170

Prairie, oaks, and the river beyond.08-06-11_Jacks_179

Back at home, Maretta’s spinning.  Actually, in this case, she’s taking two strings of yarn and winding them together.  That’s called plying.


Her new spinning wheel is so beautiful.  I love watching her change fiber into yarn!


Saturday night, we took our jambalaya up on the hill for dinner again.  08-06-11_Jacks_187

As the sun set, the moon became brighter in the sky.08-06-11_Jacks_189

Good food, a fire, and a beautiful (bugless!) evening.08-06-11_Jacks_191

Bev was approaching a significant birthday, and Jack wrote a declaration for her, which he read with some pomp and circumstance amidst much laughter.08-06-11_Jacks_197
And so ended our second day.  We played Trivial Pursuit well into the evening, and woke up with cozy kids in our tent.

Weekend at Jack’s – Day 1

Ahh, summer!  This picture of Andrew with his smiling watermelon says it all.

On Friday, August 5, we started the day with a big breakfast and then we headed on the river for our first float of the weekend.  When we got back, Terry and the kids broke open the first of the watermelons.


Smashing a watermelon on concrete and digging it apart with your hands is a strong Babler/Haller tradition.  In this case, however, it looks like a knife was used.08-05-11_Jacks_015

Mmmm watermelon!08-05-11_Jacks_017

Pictures of me are mostly curtsey of Joe!08-05-11_Jacks_029

There’s Bubs08-05-11_Jacks_031

Maretta-with-the-short-hair and Bearded Kyle.

Here’s dinner – Macho Salad.  yum.08-05-11_Jacks_037

That pan’s full of delicious corn bread.08-05-11_Jacks_051

Tom and the kids.08-05-11_Jacks_059

We ate dinner outdoors up on the hill.  Here’s Andrew giving a sweet kiss.08-05-11_Jacks_082

There’s Matt.  We were glad that he was able to join us this year.08-05-11_Jacks_087

Maretta and Sylvia.  Not sure what Sylvie is doing here except perhaps displaying how her thumb bends back just like Daddy’s.  Natural selection:)


Enjoying our dinner with some bourbon slush and watching the sun set.08-05-11_Jacks_094

Kids in motion.08-05-11_Jacks_099

Lots of laughter.08-05-11_Jacks_100

Our summer crew is a big one, so we tend to sleep out in our tent.  It’s fun to camp with the kids!  We had some big storms, but we didn’t blow over, and somehow the kids are now a little less afraid of thunder.  Excellent:)  08-05-11_Jacks_110Stay tuned for Day 2!

Bryan’s trip down the river

I know that it’s September now, but take yourself back to early August.  I’ve got some catching up to do on blog posts, starting with our weekend trip to Jack’s house.  This blog post is brought to you by the fact that Sylvie’s still in Texas (I’m writing here on Sept 6) and Andrew’s in school.  Oh the blessed quiet!  How I’ve missed you:)

To set the stage…it’s Thursday evening, August 4 – around 80 degrees.  Bryan just got back home after a week with Andrew in Texas.  On this day, we’re all packed and heading out to Jack’s house for our family’s annual Wisconsin River float weekend.  Joe’s flying home from DC.  Maretta and Kyle are driving down from St. Paul.  Michael is coming from work in Dodgeville.  Terry, Tom, Bryan, the kids and I are all driving from Madison.

The car is full of amazing food, our camping gear, flowers, the kayak, and a happy crew.  We’ve extended the weekend by a day.  Turns out that driving out on Thursday night instead of Friday night makes the whole weekend feel so much more expansive, relaxed, and wonderful!  On our drive out, we stop at Peck’s Farm Market like always.  Then we drive out to the bridge in Muscada where Bryan unloads his kayak and camping gear and heads to the river for a solo overnight paddle.  The weather was a little rainy, but as we parked, we saw this lovely rainbow.


There’s Bryan putting in at the Muscada bridge.08-04-11_Jacks_005


He’s heading down river 30 miles or so to Jack’s house.  Goodbye!


Bryan brought his camera with him and took some fun images of the sandbar on which he camped.


Nothing like watching the sun set over the water.


Here’s a campfire he made.08-04-11_Canon_045

Beautiful!  Bryan’s sure enjoyed kayaking this summer!  I was glad he was able to get out on the river and explore a new (to us) section of the Lower Wisconsin.  08-04-11_Canon_046I’m writing this in early September.  We just got home from an overnight canoeing trip we did with Andrew where we covered some of this same section of river.  It’s so tranquil and lush.  I feel peace just being there:)

Sylvie in the summer

My Sylvie girl had a good summer.  She’s starting up preschool at Monona Grove Nursery School this fall, but I thought it would fun to look back at some of the fun she had over this long, play-filled summer.

Here she is back in July on the zoo’s carousel with her friend CC.



And here are two girls on the choo choo train.


Two girls in the kangaroo’s pouch.07-21-11_zoowithcelia_034

Two girls checking out the bears.


Here are a few pictures Bryan took…maybe last fall…I just pulled them off our little point-and-shoot camera.  Here’s Sylv playing with her food and doll.10-18-10_Canon_001


Dress-up with Andrew.12-04-10_Canon_019


Such a little goofy girl!10-18-10_Canon_00310-24-10_Canon_006

You can tell by her lopsided hair, that this picture was taken after the Great Haircut of October 2010.


I don’t even remember this.  Bryan got this image of them making up beds in the back yard last fall.



And here’s Sylv posing with dress and crown…


Back to the present!  Here’s August 2011, a nature camp at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center with Celia.


Here’s a few pictures from an outing Sylv and I took to the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee with my friend Anne.  Here Sylv is checking out some of the critters.


They have a great slide there that Sylvie loved going down.


What fun!07-31-11_Milwaukee_007This girl of mine amplifies our lives with her energy and enthusiasm.  She’s such a joy to watch grow!