Hiking with Aunt Melanie

During Melanie’s visit here last weekend, we enjoyed a walk at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center.  We had two fearless trail leaders to blaze the way.  One of them was sporting a new princess dress made by Granny as her Halloween costume.

Here Sylvie is jumping from stump to stump in a circle…a favorite and long-enjoyed activity.


Love this blue sky.  Still lots of leaves on trees, but we’re seeing more and more bare brances.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_004

Melanie’s hair is so petty in the sunshine.  It shines like copper!10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_006Here’s our crew (minus me!).

There’s Bryan and Mel on a pier on the pond.

I just love the way that the dried flowers glow when back-lit by the sun.  Such a different look from their summer blooms, but really just as striking.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_023

New favorite picture of Melanie and Bryan in the woods.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_036

She wasn’t really taller than him…just standing on a rock:)10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_037

I love the energy in the look that Andrew and Sylvie are giving each other.  Wonder what they were talking about:)10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_047

Other new favorite picture!10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_049

Melanie with her niece and nephew.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_058

Princess Sylvie running down the path.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_063

Here’s Sylvia and Andrew sitting on the dock…10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_066…and a few minutes later, Melanie and Bryan.  Sibling mirrors.


Such beautiful color!10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_067

Pensive princess examining the foliage.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_074

Leaping and running!


Getting a lift from Aunt Mel10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_087

Spinning!!!  Sylvie’s hair is really quite long when it’s not all bouncing up in curls:)10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_094

Mel and Sylvie under a red maple.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_096

Melanie taking a picture of Bryan and Sylvie.10-29-11_MelaniesVisit_101That’s what I’ve got for photos of our time with Melanie.  We’ll see her again at Christmas, which in some ways feels like a long time, but those two months of November and December are probably going to fly by!  Thanks for coming up, Mel! We love you. xoxo