Playing in Texas

We’re back home after a great week-long vacation in Texas with our Dotzour family.  We sure do all have fun together:)  We left on Monday morning – drove to Chicago, and then flew through Dallas to College Station.  After weeks of anticipation and a long day of travel (the kids did great), we were really happy to be there!

Love this pic of thoughtful Sylvie and her doting daddy.  <When Sylvie saw this picture just now, she said, “I’m thinking, I want my paci and poodle.”>

11-11-23_Marian_001The kids have a whole slew of games that they love to play at Granny and Grandad’s house.  One of their favs is To Grandma’s House We Go.  I think Granny has probably played this game with the kids 100 times:)

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Looking in as we sit down for supper.  LuAnn fed us really well.  Mmmmmemories.

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After supper, the kids delighted in cookies (out of the giraffe cookie jar) and heart-shaped jello.  Sylvie says, “I like the cookies!”

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By looking at this picture, I’d say she likes the jello too!

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Goofy girl!

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Andrew had a great monster-drawing game.  He’d ask a Magic 8-ball about the monster features, “Does the monster have bat ears?” “Does the monster have six arms?” and then he’d draw the results.  Granny and Grandad made their monster versions too, and then they’d make up stories chronicling the monsters’ adventures.

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On Thanksgiving morning, LuAnn, Melanie, Bryan, and I had fun running a 5K.  What an active bunch:)  Our team name was “Bring on the Stuffing!”  So I can remember in the future, I was #37 out of 305 with a time of 24:50 (that’s 7:59 min miles).  My best time yet…YES!

11-11-25_Texas Thanksgiving_058It sure was nice and relaxing to all hang out together.  Thanks, everyone for a great vacation:)

3 Replies to “Playing in Texas”

  1. What a fun post, Althea!! Brings back fun memoriesi!! Loved being with all of you so much!

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