Girls on the Run

On Saturday morning, a few friends from Bootcamp and I participated in a 5K in Waunakee called Girls on the Run. While we just ran the race for fun, the majority of the participants were elementary school girls and their parents.  Girls on the Run is an after-school program held in elementary schools that works to build self-esteem and self-respect among young girls while they train for the 5K.  What a cool program!  It was so neat to see all these girls as they got ready to run.

Pictured is Nicole, me, Deb, and Julie.

Race day morning was cold and rainy.  And then cold and very rainy.  Here’s a pic of us at race start.  My goal for the race was to beat my Zoo Run Run time.  The time they called at the finish was a little slower than that time (boo!), but the published race results show that I was a bit faster (yay!).

I sure do enjoy running these races!  Bryan, Melanie, LuAnn, and I are signed up for a Turkey Trot in College Station on Thanksgiving morning.  And I’ve just signed up for the Jingle Bell Run 5K on Saturday, December 11 at 10:45am.  My team name is “Yippy Skippy,” so if you’re interested in joining, you can sign up here:

I’m hoping to run the Shamrock Shuffle and maybe some other 5Ks next spring.  Then I think I’ll up to the 10Ks when the weather warms.  If you’d like to run with me, just let me know!

3 Replies to “Girls on the Run”

  1. Wow Althea! That is awesome that you placed 30th overall! And your time is awesome 🙂 Excited for the Turkey Trot! I'm doing the Frisco Frosty 5K on Dec. 11th too so I'll think of you at yours that day too – and I'll be happy that I am running in TX not WI! BRRRRR!!! HA!

  2. Hey Mel, I just bought some cold weather running gear to help with wintery runs. I'll think of you on Dec. 11!

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