Sibling jobs

It’s always really fun to see people I love getting to do work that they feel really positive about.  In the last month or two, both Maretta and Joe have gotten new jobs.

My little brother, Joe, graduated from Bowdoin College in May.  He spent the month of June here in Madison, and then from July through August he interned in Senator Feingold’s office.  Through that time, and for about a month afterward, he became a professional job applyer. After a couple months of riding an emotional roller coaster consisting of interviews and second interviews and no job offers, Joe landed a job that he’s thrilled with.  He started a couple weeks ago.

Joe’s official title?  Research Associate for the Energy and Natural Resource Program

Joe’s place of work? Taxpayers for Common Sense This organization is “a non-partisan budget watchdog serving as an independent voice for American taxpayers.” Their mission is to “achieve a government that spends taxpayer dollars responsibly and operates within its means. They work with individuals, policymakers, and the media to increase transparency, expose and eliminate wasteful and corrupt subsidies, earmarks, and corporate welfare, and hold decision makers accountable.”

In addition to providing administrative support for the energy and natural resources staff, Joe will be researching and writing white papers and fact sheets, and he’ll be writing regular content for their website.

He’s now got an apartment in DC with two friends from Bowdoin.  And he’s working on capitol hill!  What an exciting time:)

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Maretta got a new job this fall working for a theatrical costume and makeup company in the Twin Cities.  I’m excited for her to be trying something new and working at a job with links to her heart’s desire…acting.

Way to go, sibs!