Andrew’s surgery is tomorrow

My boy is having minor surgery on his herniated belly button tomorrow morning.   I’ve tried not to think a lot about his operation recently.  Writing out “minor” and “surgery” together seems a little oxymoronic when you’re talking about a wee 5-year-old cub.

Andrew’s surgeon is going to be Dr. Dennis Lund at the UW Children’s Hospital. We’re scheduled to check in at the hospital at 8:30 on Wednesday morning.  His surgery is scheduled at 10:05am.  I think they said that the surgery was scheduled to last around 45 minutes.

We’ve read lots of “…goes to the hospital books” include Curious George and Franklin.  We’ve talked about the sleeping medicine that will help him go to sleep for the operation, and Andrew has expressed considerable relief  that he won’t have any shots or the IV put in until he is asleep.  That said, he’s nervous and brave.

Andrew’s not supposed to eat solid foods after midnight, so I’m hoping that we can get up and out of the house tomorrow morning before he gets too worried about wanting breakfast.  Sylvia will be at Donna’s daycare all day on Wednesday, so that will leave Bryan and me free to focus on Andrew.

We get to be with our little guy in the operating room until he’s asleep, and then we’ll be with him again before he wakes up.  I’m anticipating that post-operation nausea might be an issue, but hopefully they’ll be able to help him with that.

The doctor said that he’ll have a bandage over his belly button for something like a couple weeks.  He’ll be out of school on Thursday, and then we can see how he’s feeling on Friday.

I’ll plan to post tomorrow if the hospital has internet.  Thanks for sending warm wishes our way.

And for those of your who are interested in the hospital we’ll be at, the video below is a promotional piece from the UW Children’s Hospital.  The doctor narrating is Andrew’s surgeon.

16 Replies to “Andrew’s surgery is tomorrow”

  1. I’ll be thinking about you guys all day tomorrow.  I know Andrew will do a good job– he’s always very brave in new situations.  Don’t worry, mama– those UW doctors and surgeons are a good bunch!  I’ve heard lots of good things about the Children’s Hospital.

  2. Good luck to Andrew!I hope everything goes well!
    I visited the Children’s Hospital before it opened, and thought the decor would make it a much more comforting place than a typical hospital setting for surgery.

  3. Be brave, Andrew! Only a few hours of discomfort and then all will be right as rain. I’ll be thinking of you Dotzour’s tomorrow!

  4. Abby had Dr. Lund as a surgeon.  He is wonderful.  Hang in there.  We have been through the surgery experience at Children’s and it was postive.  They do a wonderful job of easing the child and the parents fears and frustrations.  I am thinking of all of you today. 

  5. Good luck Althea. We'll be thinking about you all. I'm sure Andrew will sale through with flying colors and have a really great story to tell people. I think it'll be harder on you than him. Hang in there!!!

  6. Sending you mucho positive energy and lots of quick healing to Mr Andrew. Hang in there mama (and papa).

  7. he's like a skinny little cherub, all sweet-faced and adorable. I'm glad it went well for you all!

  8. We love Dr Lund! He wasn't Kira's "original" surgeon but is who Kira sees now for all her follow up appt. Love his nurses too!

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