Bootcamping mornings and running nights

I just got back from a three-and-a-half mile run.  I should put an exclamation point at the end of that statement since I can’t remember the last time I ran that far.  It’s been pre-kids for sure:)

For the last nine weeks I’ve been attending Dustin Maher’s 5:30am boot camps.  And I loooove them.  Which feels like a little bit of an odd thing to love.  I think of myself as a person who loves good books.  I love delicious food.  I love to be outdoors.  But working out? HARD?  At 5:30am?  That seems to be a little weird thing to love.  Perhaps, then, I am a little odd, but I do indeed thrive on my early morning workouts.

It works really well for me to set my alarm and just get up and go without having to think or giving myself the opportunity to come up with excuses.  Just get up, get dressed, and go.  By the time I fully come-to, I’m at the park, visiting with my friends, and ready to follow the trainer’s instructions.  I’ve met some really great friends through Boot Camp.  Several of us joined for a 21-day challenge back in mid-July, and my favorite part of going is getting to see them.

I like the way Dustin’s workouts often leave me heaving and panting and sometimes nearly unable to drag my body back to the car.  They also leave me happy and positive and empowered.  When I get home at 6:30, I feel like I’ve accomplished something really substantial.  I feel strong (or sore) and good in my body.

I’ve been going to Bootcamp 5-6 days a week.  I’m also (mildly) training to run a couple 5Ks this fall (that’s about 3 miles).  As I’ve gone running in the evenings, I’ve been really happy with how easy it feels to run.  It’s clear that all the cardiovascular working out in the mornings is making running a much easier endeavor.

I’ve been mostly running 1.5 to 2.5 miles, but tonight I tried 3.5.  Yay!  The Vilas Zoo 5K run on Sept. 26 shouldn’t be a problem:)

My whole schedule is going to change this week, though.  My bootcamp membership ends on Wednesday (sniff!).  As much as I enjoy it, I can’t balance early morning workouts with my photography work in the evening.  Going to bed at 9am isn’t really compatible with running a business after the kids are in bed!

Fortunately, Dustin has an alternative fitness group – MamaTone.  They meet in mid-morning, and I’m going to try it out.  Childcare for Sylvia, a daytime workout for me…seems like it might make life a little more manageable!

I’ll be sad to be leaving my park-based workouts when in wake up with the stars and watch the sun rise.  But I’m glad to have found some fun and engaging ways to incorporate exercise into my life.  I’ll let you know how it goes!

2 Replies to “Bootcamping mornings and running nights”

  1. Way to go! I have some serious catching up to do!!! We'll miss you at our morning workouts!

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