Early August outings

Back in August, I biked the kids to the downtown Farmer’s market.  Here’s Sylvia embracing life (and the impatiens):

It all went great until my girl didn’t want to put on her seatbelt for the bike back home.  Thus began a half-hour tantrum.  Here I am photographing the start of it.  Somehow, she calmed down and was convinced to ride nicely.  Patience paid off!

Bryan’s parents came to town for a quick visit on their way to the PGA tour in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  We really enjoyed seeing them.  Here Sylvia is sitting on Grandad’s lap at Red Robin.

We had a lot of big storms this summer.  Here we’re driving with Terry and his cousin’s daughter, Brittany, in Columbia County just northwest of Madison.  The storm clouds were just amazing.  And we drove through some major downpours.  The kids loved driving through the flash floods that filled the roads!

Another morning at the farmer’s market.  Sylvia has worn a swimming suit about 85% of the time this summer.  Here she is (again) sporting the Kitty Cat suit, backwards.

We stopped to run around and to sample our purchases.  Andrew’s cheeks are filled with delicious sungold tomatoes.

Sylvia is (finally!) wearing the adorable dress that Granny made for her!

Such a cute kid she is!

Ahh summer…you’re fading into a warm, happy, active, delicious memory.  I’m so glad to have been home with the kids to enjoy it so thoroughly!