Jack’s summer float weekend 2010

Due to the usual obsessive nature of my blogging, I sometimes wonder if things actually happen if I didn’t write and post photos about them.  Would Christmas really have been Christmas if there was no post on dotzourfamily.com?  Did we ever all really go to Jack’s house on a warm weekend in July/August?  Or was that just a figment?  Some passing fancy?  Well, if you were feeling like maybe your memories were faulty, worry no longer!  There was indeed a trip to Jack’s house this summer, and I’ve got the blog post to prove it!  The full album of pics is available in the gallery.

Here’s our group (except for me) ready for our float down the river.  From left to right, we have Terry, Jack, Josh (kneeling, Betsy, Kyle, Melanie, Michael (sitting), Lisa, Tom (kneeling), Joe, Andrew, Sylvia, and Bryan.


The Wisconsin River was so high this summer that it had gone well over its banks in many places.  The photos below Bryan took of the kids swimming in what is normally a small grassy field next to the river.  The slightly submerged vegetation is at the edge of the banks, and usually the river is 2-3 feet below the banks.  This year, the grassy spot became a good splashing/swimming hole for the kids!

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We enjoyed our dinners out on the patio.  The bugs were out, but they weren’t terribly hungry.  What pretty sunset light.

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Here’s Jack’s home as seen from the street at night.  I just love knowing that the warm light coming from those windows is illuminating my family as we all enjoy a slow summer evening together.


Now a few people pictures.  Here are the kids being themselves.  Sylvie in our suitcase with paci.


And here’s Andrew following in his mother and uncles’ & aunt’s footsteps, swinging himself around the pole.


Kyle is doing the dishes.  We were so glad that he made the trip down even though Maretta wasn’t able to come because of her (awesome) play.


Here’s Sylvie acting a little cooky.


Andrew explores the world of reading books on Uncle Bubba’s iPad.


Jack’s prairie is stunning.  Really amazing.  It’s come so far in the last 5 years!  Here’s a few images I took while swatting mosquitoes.







Jack’s parents both passed away in the last couple years, and a group of friends commissioned this bench for his land.  It’s a really beautiful piece…and so fitting.  There are also a variety of saplings planted in their memory.


Here’s the view from the bench.  We’re looking down toward the Wisconsin River and the bluffs on the other side.


The river at sunset.


Melanie and Sylvia on the front steps of Jack’s home.  It was so fun to have Melanie come out to Jack’s with us this year!  Out trips to Jack’s are such a happily anticipated aspect of my family’s history.  It was great to share it with her:)


Pretty balloon flowers.


Dad came out to join us on Saturday.

07-31_10_Jack's_weekend_007Flowers and a view of the river beyond.


Our nightly traditions include Trivial Pursuit and (new in the last five years) poker.


Jack took us in the pack of his pick-up for a tour of the prairie on Saturday night.


Here Dad is enjoying Jack’s beautiful property.


Andrew and Sylvie loved getting to ride in the back of the pick-up truck.  EXCITING!


My sisters!


Sunset between big bluestem and yellow coneflowers.  Ahhh, summer!
