First day of Kindergarten – Part II

I picked up Andrew at 1:45 from his first day of Kindergarten.  They have short days today and tomorrow.  He came out of school full of smiles.  My young guy doesn’t tend to be too forthcoming with details about his life, but he did tell me that he made a friend (although he wasn’t sure what his name was:)  We held hands while we walked home, and then Andrew and Alivia conspired to play together post-school today.  So in the last hour, I haven’t seen much of him.  Perhaps we’ll learn a little more during quieter moments tonight.

Here are a few images from the end of his first day.

Here’s the scene outside the school, awaiting his dismissal.

09-01_10_first day of KG(home)_004 So many cute kids!

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I shot this one from the hip.  So nice to see his sweet face running to greet me!

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It’s official!  He’s a full Kindergartener!

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(Reluctantly) posting with Alivia before heading home.

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This photo puts a lump in my throat.  My little guy holding my hand.

09-01_10_first day of KG(home)_014He’s feeling good!

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And the backpack is dumped by the door…  So it begins!

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2 Replies to “First day of Kindergarten – Part II”

  1. Thanks for sharing the day with those of us who could not be there!  Glad Andrew made it through the big day with so much enthusiasm and helped the boy in his class who was feeling anxious!

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