Wedding in the UP, eh

While Andrew was in Texas, Michael and Lisa bravely took Sylvia for the weekend while Bryan and I drove up to the Upper Peninsula for a wedding.  One of Bryan’s past co-workers and good friend was getting married at a beautiful site on Lake Michigan.  I’m so glad we were able to get away to attend!

Here’s me and my handsome sweetie before the wedding.

I neglected to bring my camera (“How did this happen!?” you ask?  “How could you let this happen????”). So the only pictures I got are taken with my phone.  And for some reason, I took no (zip, zero, zilch) of the bride and groom.  I think Bryan was enjoying being with me at a wedding where I wasn’t zipping away every few moments to get a few more pictures:)

So here, compliments of my phone, is Bryan at the beach at sunset.

And here are the bride’s shoes.  She made her dress herself.  The wedding was held on the beach, and the clouds sprinkled rain down on the personalized umbrellas off and on.  Family members made lovely toasts and one friend recited pi as far as he could.  A young boy said that when he heard that Adam was a scientist, he thought that he must be a mad scientist.  It was great!

Cupcakes were so lovely and were made by a friend of the bride’s.

Here’s the bride’s pretty wildflower bouquet.

Such a beautiful sunset!  Such bring and brilliant stars!

The bride and groom met at the Burning Man festival.  And because they are quirky, independent thinkers, they decided to create a bride and groom (modeled on themselves) whom they burned in effigy at the end of the reception.

There they go…up in smoke and lots and lots of fireworks.  What a great party!  And how fun to get away for a couple days with my husband!  Thanks to Michael and Lisa for taking the kiddo!

2 Replies to “Wedding in the UP, eh”

  1. I saw the photo of those lovely shoes in your gallery earlier and was wondering whose they were.  I was guessing Maretta’s.  Thanks for clearing up the mystery!

  2. Love the dress you wore:)  I wear mine at least once a week…and usually one of the few days I actually go in to the lab…so most people here think I have just one article of outerwear these days:)  I want all of my clothes to have built-in bras….I’m sort of boycotting anything that doesn’t right now.  Also, I love that you have the same dress:)

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