Looking back at July

Oh my dear friends, so many things have happened, so many photos have been taken.  July.  July?  I don’t honestly actually remember July.  Let’s look back at the photos (mostly taken on my phone) to see what we did that long summer month.  Let’s see, my last post was on July 9.  The next day I started exercising.  And my blog writing ceased.

We took the kids to the Dane County Fair.  It’s always so fun to see all the animals and get a cream puff.  Sylvia loved feeding the goats.

And for a special treat this year, the kids got to do a pony ride!  Here’s Andrew (with his face all self-painted) looking at his pony with some skepticism.

Sylvia was really excited (and a little worried).  She wanted me to stand right next to her.  But as soon as her pony (Blue) started to walk, she tipped back her head and laughed with delight.  I have not-so-secret hopes that my girl will come to love horses so we can ride together:)

Here the kids are eating a cream puff. Or rather using their fingers to scrape all the cream off the puff.  It’s nice that one cream puff can feed a family of four!

Here are my fierce and adorable children.

Andrew asked me for several weeks to give him a short haircut like his daddy.  So finally I gave in and agreed to lop off some of his beautiful curls.

Here’s the curly carnage.  Fortunately his hair is cute short or long (so says his mom), and it grows back!

Here’s a note Andrew gave me asking (I guess it’s pretty self-explanatory) to have a sleep-over with Alivia.

In late July, Andrew headed to Texas for a nine-day visit.  Granny flew up for a quick visit, and then she flew back home with her very-excited grandson.

I don’t think it is possible for Andrew to be more happy and content than he is when he gets to spend time with his relatives.  He absolutely relishes his visits to Texas, and I think I talked to him once or twice the whole time he was gone.  From all reports, it was a great vacation.  For me too!  One kid is much easier than two!