Sylvie and Mom road trip to MN

After Bryan and I got back from the wedding in Michigan, Sylvia and I packed our bags and drove up to St. Paul to see Maretta and Kyle.  Maretta was in a play (The King’s Ward), and she wasn’t going to be able to make it to Jack’s house for our annual get-together, so Sylvia and I decided to head up north to see them.

Here’s Maretta and Sylvia (check out the pose she’s striking!) standing in front of Maretta’s home.  Maretta, Kyle, and two friends live on the second story of this beautiful home.  In this beautiful neighborhood.  In this lovely city.  It all just makes me smile.

Here’s a photo of us out together for dinner.  Sylvie was enjoying herself quite a bit:)  The weather had been up past 100 degrees, but while we were eating dinner, a front blew through, and it was a coolish walk home.

Maretta took us to Como park where we rode on the carousel before going to the zoo.  Sylvia was excited but as you can tell from the death-grip she has on Maretta’s neck, she was a little nervous too.

We went to Kowalski’s grocery store and bought ourselves an extravagant picnic lunch.  They had a display of summer clogs for 50% off. As you can tell from Sylvia’s footwear, I had to indulge.  So cute!!!

I’ve been thinking about getting Sylvia a doll carrier for some time, and when I found this kid-sized Ergo at Peapods, I got too excited.

Here’s my beautiful, delightful girl.

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We wandered around Minihaha Park. It was a lovely park with lots of water.  Sylvia had fun splashing around!   (photo by Maretta)


I’ll leave you with a view of my girl’s toes.  Maretta (who took this picture) likes bare tootsies as much as I do:)

DSC_0406 copyIt was so nice to spend a full day with my sister.  I really enjoyed seeing Maretta and Kyle’s apartment, visiting with their kitties, seeing their roommates, and – the icing on the cake – watching Maretta give a great performance on stage.  Thanks for a really lovely visit, guys!  Maretta, one of these years you’ll have to make it back to Jack’s!