Frankenstein Monday

So.  Monday wasn’t a great day.  Sylvia has been sick (runny nose, feeling cruddy) and she was a bit, er, ahhh, owley.

The following interchange from Young Frankenstein (one of my very favorite movies ever) kinda sums it up.  In this scene, Frankenstein is about to go into a room with The Monster, who they have just discovered is violent and unmanageable:

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Love is the only thing that can save this poor creature, and I am going to convince him that he is loved even at the cost of my own life.
No matter what you hear in there, no matter how cruelly I beg you, no matter how terribly I may scream, do not open this door or you will undo everything I have worked for.
Do you understand? Do not open this door.
Inga: Yes, Doctor.
Igor: Nice working with ya.
[Dr. Frederick Frankenstein goes into the room with The Monster. The Monster wakes up]
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Let me out. Let me out of here. Get me the hell out of here. What’s the matter with you people? I was joking! Don’t you know a joke when you hear one? HA-HA-HA-HA. Jesus Christ, get me out of here! Open this goddamn door or I’ll kick your rotten heads in! Mommy!

Ahhh, just reading that gives me a good chuckle.  I was unable to find a clip of this exchange online, but I did find a good Young Frankenstein in 5 minutes clip that was really marvelous.

In other news, my darling daughter is quite improved today.  Still runny at the nose, but her mood is back in the manageable realm.  Makes for a much nicer day!

Brother Michael, I hope you enjoy this post.  Writing made me think of you:)

3 Replies to “Frankenstein Monday”

  1. YF is one of the most quoted movies in our household, too!  In particular, “Did you make a yummy noise?” and the following:
    Inga:  Doctor, do you feel all right? You haven’t touched your food.
    Dr. F:  (patting his dinner with front and back of his hands) There.  I touched it.  Are you happy?

    1. Hey Karen,
      Growing up, our family verbally interacted primarily via movie lines.  Young Frankenstein was a good quarter of our dialogue.  It helped that Maretta and Michael both had the entire movie memorized.
      The part you quoted is one of my favorite lines.  Classic:)

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