Real tigers

The weekend before Thanksgiving, we spent an lovely afternoon at the Henry Vilas Zoo.  Happily, we ran into some friends there!  And we saw the tiger.  The amazing, slightly horrifyingly huge tiger.

Caden, Andrew, and the tiger

So beautiful!  So close!  Run kids!!!  Wait, don’t run.  Hold very still.  Think non-prey thoughts.

I am a tree.  I am a rock.  I’m some nice, boring dirt.


Sylvia was entranced.


The tiger visit here prompted the face painting that I posted pictures from earlier.  It’s great to be able to take on the role of the mighty beasts you saw at the zoo!



Watching the giraffes on a nice fall day.  I love living in a town where I see friends out and about on a regular basis:)  And Caden and Andrew are good playmates for each other:)


Andrew took a nose-dive into the cement outside the preschool a few days before this photo was taken.  The scab has just come off.  Poor kid!  He got quite a big scrape from that digger.


These boys have gotten so big, and yet they’re still so sweet and kind and wonderful.


Andrew’s favorite part of the zoo is the playground!  He says his favorite part is the lions, but if gauged by amount of time spent, it’s definitely the playground:)

Here, he’s climbed to the top of a big rock.  A not-so-small feat for boy-kind!


4 Replies to “Real tigers”

  1. What beautiful pictures and what a fun time. It reminded me of the time Brian, Katie, my dad and I were at the same zoo. We were rather "up close and personal" with a lion inside a building,when the lion roared and we all jumped.

  2. What beautiful pictures and what a fun time. It reminded me of the time Brian, Katie, my dad and I were at the same zoo. We were rather "up close and personal" with a lion inside a building,when the lion roared and we all jumped.

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