
When Sylvia was a couple months old, there was a day that I really don’t want to forget. One of those Crazy Days. Actually, there are two crazy days I don’t want to forget, but I already wrote up one of them here.

Sometimes Sylvia gets really unhappy.  It just happens.  One day when she was a couple months old, she was really unhappy, and I couldn’t find anything to do to help her find a place of calm.  Finally I took her outside.  It was still quite cold, so I wrapped her up in a blanket, and we sat on the front steps.  The sky and trees and air all seemed to help.  Her crying lessened.

Meanwhile, Andrew was really wanting my attention.  He was watching a movie, and he wanted me to watch it with him.  It didn’t matter to him if Sylvia cried through it.  It was most important that my eyes be fixed to the television.  So when I took Sylvia outside, he was worried.  He paused the DVD (something he had recently learned how to do), and he sat on the chair by the front window.

After gesturing to me that I needed to watch the TV, he would set the show playing again.  But he was watching me and not the show.  As soon as my attention wandered to my crying baby, he’d pause it, gesture wildly, and then re-start when I looked up at the television.

So I was sitting out on the porch (with no coat) on a cold day trying to watch a movie through the window while soothing my sad baby.  I remember thinking at the time that it all felt rather surreal.  Lots of demands!

Ahh, those first weeks and months of having a new little person in our lives.  How long ago it feels!  How amazing and wonderful it was.  I smile thinking of all the families in the future who will start and grow their families.  Such a lovely thing it is.  Even when it’s crazy.

11 Replies to “Demands”

  1. I'm so glad you wrote this out. Those days are so trying, but looking back, they are part of who you are today and who everyone else in your home is. You're right…having families is a wonderful experience, a wonderful adventure, and well worth every minute we spend making the days work. And then, one day, those little ones grow up, find someone they love, and your family grows. Then you enjoy hearing all their tales, as well as remembering your own. This Granny (Mom) is sitting back smiling at the blessings God has bestowed on me through my family!! Love to you all!!

  2. Thanks, Althea. I really like this post. My little 13-mo old is continually demanding attention, and we have another little one coming in March. I'm a little (or a lot!) terrified…but​ your post highlights the positive of this craziness 🙂

  3. Thanks, Althea. I really like this post. My little 13-mo old is continually demanding attention, and we have another little one coming in March. I'm a little (or a lot!) terrified…but your post highlights the positive of this craziness 🙂

  4. Thanks, Althea. I really like this post. My little 13-mo old is continually demanding attention, and we have another little one coming in March. I'm a little (or a lot!) terrified…but your post highlights the positive of this craziness 🙂

  5. I'm so glad you wrote this out. Those days are so trying, but looking back, they are part of who you are today and who everyone else in your home is. You're right…having families is a wonderful experience, a wonderful adventure, and well worth every minute we spend making the days work. And then, one day, those little ones grow up, find someone they love, and your family grows. Then you enjoy hearing all their tales, as well as remembering your own. This Granny (Mom) is sitting back smiling at the blessings God has bestowed on me through my family!! Love to you all!!

  6. I'm so glad you wrote this out. Those days are so trying, but looking back, they are part of who you are today and who everyone else in your home is. You're right…having families is a wonderful experience, a wonderful adventure, and well worth every minute we spend making the days work. And then, one day, those little ones grow up, find someone they love, and your family grows. Then you enjoy hearing all their tales, as well as remembering your own. This Granny (Mom) is sitting back smiling at the blessings God has bestowed on me through my family!! Love to you all!!

  7. Sweet photos here from the last year and a half or so, and today looking at the December photo on the family calendar 🙂

  8. Janet – It's so fun to hear from you! I had no idea you were reading my blog:) What a treat! Congrats on your expanding family. I'm so glad that my little story was able to bring you a smile. I know you'll do just fine:)Mom – I love that you wrote out some stories about crazy days when Bryan was little. Makes me laugh to think about. Good to capture it before it all fades away in the mists of the mind.

  9. Janet – It's so fun to hear from you! I had no idea you were reading my blog:) What a treat! Congrats on your expanding family. I'm so glad that my little story was able to bring you a smile. I know you'll do just fine:)Mom – I love that you wrote out some stories about crazy days when Bryan was little. Makes me laugh to think about. Good to capture it before it all fades away in the mists of the mind.

  10. Janet – It's so fun to hear from you! I had no idea you were reading my blog:) What a treat! Congrats on your expanding family. I'm so glad that my little story was able to bring you a smile. I know you'll do just fine:)Mom – I love that you wrote out some stories about crazy days when Bryan was little. Makes me laugh to think about. Good to capture it before it all fades away in the mists of the mind.

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