Podcasts that make my day

I’ve had an iPod for about a year now, and I just love it!  I love having all our music so easily accessible.  I like being able to make mixes so easily and how fun it can be to use smart playlists or Genius to create the musical backdrop for our playtime.

However my favoritest part about using an iPod is being able to download podcasts and listen to them when I have some alone time in the car or the kitchen.  Prior to becoming an iPod convert, I didn’t get what a podcast was.  And quite frankly, I thought that people who used that and other cooky words were just purposefully being a bit geeky.

But now I’ve joined the fold.  For those of you not in the podcast-listening world, podcasts are radio shows (or in some case video shows) that you can download and listen to or watch at your leisure.

I have several radio shows that I really enjoy, but it’s rare that I happen to (be allowed to) listen to the radio when they’re on.  So I started my podcast listening by subscribing to those shows.  Then I did some exploring and found other NPR shows that I also really love.

In the spirit of sharing…and with the hope that this post will inspire you to share as well…here’s my favorite podcasts.  These shows made my recent trip to and from Minnesota so very enjoyable.  So without further ado, here’s my favs:

This American Life. There was a point in my life when I was turned off by Ira Glass.  But now, this is hands down my favorite show.  I love it.  An hour of insightful, cooky, disturbing, important, mind-bending, or humorous radio that makes me feel like a more complete person.  I just donated $20 to the show to support them and to help them keep their podcasts free!

This I Believe.  I LOVE this show.  Love it.  It nearly always makes me cry or smile deep down inside.  And after each essay, I feel somehow more connected to humanity.  Come to think of it, it’s a little like my version of church.  Each podcast is short…maybe 5 minutes.  And in that time, someone reads an essay they wrote which describes a deeply held belief.  From “I believe in the power of love to heal” to “I believe in the Beatles.”
I really do feel like a better person after listening to a handful of these essays.  The radio series is over now, but they are still offering podcasts.  They’re also releasing podcasts of the 1950s This I Believe, which is interesting because of the historical figures who share their beliefs, the things it reveals about society at the time, and the ways it demonstrates that people stay the same.
I sent in a contribution to the This I Believe, Inc., a non-profit that helps schools and community groups by helping people write and share statements of belief.  I hope you’re able to catch some of these episodes (or check out the book).   In reviving this series in 2005, executive producer Dan Gediman said, “The goal is not to persuade Americans to agree on the same beliefs. Rather, the hope is to encourage people to begin the much more difficult task of developing respect for beliefs different from their own.”  Enjoy!

So those are my two favorites, but here are some others that I also really enjoy:

The Splendid Table.  My dad actually turned me on to this show on NPR years ago.  Lynne Rossetto Kasper is a wonderful host.  The taglines for the show are: “The show for people who love to eat.” and “The show about life’s appetites.”  She has interesting guests, and the enthusiastic and sultry way she describes food makes my mouth water.  It’s a good listen!

Carleton College’s convocation addresses.  They have audio and video of their weekly speakers.

Stories!  I love short stories, and I’ve found a few great podcasts of short stories including:

I also enjoy:

So that’s my list!  I hope you’re able to check out some of them (you can listen to all of them on the computer if you’re on an iPod type!).  Now help me expand my world.  What are some things I should be listening to?

10 Replies to “Podcasts that make my day”

  1. Do and I are completely addicted to the Moth, and we also usually like This American Life. I'll definitely check out the This I Believe podcast– it sounds like another I'd really enjoy.

  2. I like Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett. Even though I'm not religious or even that spiritual. She often has thought-provoking guests and themes. I also like Open Body, Open Mind, a yoga podcast with meditations. I'll start downloading the This I Believes!

  3. I like Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett. Even though I'm not religious or even that spiritual. She often has thought-provoki​ng guests and themes. I also like Open Body, Open Mind, a yoga podcast with meditations. I'll start downloading the This I Believes!

  4. Do and I are completely addicted to the Moth, and we also usually like This American Life. I'll definitely check out the This I Believe podcast– it sounds like another I'd really enjoy.

  5. Daniel listens to public radio in the car – I often find him sitting in the car in the driveway, finishing up whatever show was on while he drove home!

    Myself, I am a fan of silence. When I am home during the day, I rarely have music or anything playing. Both of my kids are such non-stop talkers, and have been forever!, that I appreciate the peacefulness of noone saying anything…except the cats, of course.

    1. Ahh, silence.  For some reason, I really have to work to enjoy silence.  However, I admire those who can bask in the fullness of sound’s absence.

  6. I like Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett. Even though I'm not religious or even that spiritual. She often has thought-provoking guests and themes. I also like Open Body, Open Mind, a yoga podcast with meditations. I'll start downloading the This I Believes!

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