Granny is here!

It’s wedding time!  Last night, Bryan’s mom arrived, and I’m delighted that she’s going to be staying with us until Tuesday.  Joe; Maretta & Kyle; Heather, Michael, & baby Evelyn; and Aunt Julie, Kevin, and their baby also are coming into town today.  Yay!!


Yesterday, Terry and I visited a pumpkin patch and a flower shop, and we purchased a van-full of pumpkins and glorious fall mums for wedding decorations.



Today’s weather is a bit cold, rainy, and dreary.  Makes me glad that the Lussier Center has a good indoor option for the wedding ceremony!

Just wait until you see the adorable Godzilla costume Granny made for Andrew, and the great jumper and dress-up skirt she made for Sylvie!





18 Replies to “Granny is here!”

  1. Andrew looks less than thrilled about his costume…or maybe just about his mom taking ANOTHER photo!

  2. Godzilla looks a LOT like his dad when he’s feeling camera shy!  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bryan with a pouty face, though 🙂  That’s a pretty awesome looking costume!  Gorgeous mums and punkins, too.  Sylvie looks alert and ready to go to the wedding!

  3. I bet you will make some beautiful wedding decorations with all the fall flowers, as you did for our wedding!

  4. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful kind and caring MIL.
    They are not standard issue.  You got a really really special one.
    Hope you do appreciate her in every way.
    You would have just loved mine for 45 seconds. 

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