Shopping trip hell

Sylvia needs some warm white or cream tights for Michael and Lisa’s wedding this weekend.  She wouldn’t nap this afternoon, so I thought, “Hey, this is an opportunity to get tights.”  Riiiiight.

As we pulled up to the mall, I realized that this mall shopping trip was the first I could remember doing with both kids.  Andrew cried for about 10 minutes because he didn’t want to go into the mall because “it’s unfamiliar!”

Eventually, we walked in.  I was carrying Andrew (clutched to my chest) while Sylvia pranced ahead, greeting all the other shoppers while spinning and twirling.  We went into Gymboree and the Children’s Place.  No thick white tights luck.  Sylvia spotted an area where they have about eight rides…you know, the kind you put a few quarters in and the cars move around and play a song.  I told her we would stop there after the next store.  She screamed the whole walk to JC Penny’s, as I did a quick scan for tights, and our whole walk back from JC Penny’s.  Then I let her and Andrew play on the cars for maybe a half hour.

I tried to give her warnings that we were going to leave.  I said it was time but decided to give her a few extra minutes.  When I finally pulled her off the cars, she was livid.  Her rage (I ended up carrying her horizontally under my arm and she kicked and flailed) lasted at least a half-hour.

I decided that if she was going to scream and carry-on, I might as well try to accomplish something.  So we drove to Babies ‘R Us.  No tights, but she screamed and raged the entire time.  Then we went to Old Navy.  I left Andrew in the car to give him a few moments peace.  I walked to the back of the store where the socks were, set Sylvia down, and when I looked up, she was most of the way to the front door.  FYI, Old Navy also does not carry thick white tights.  But they do have black ones…

On the drive home, I managed to talk Sylvie down.  Or maybe she came out of the “red zone” all on her own.  There was much discussion about how fun the cars were and how she especially liked the caterpillar and the red dog and the space ship.  We lamented that Poodle and her paci were at home, and we contemplated about how much fun it would be to see them when we got home.

I thanked Andrew for his patience with his sister, and I apologized for dragging them around to five stores and even then not finding the intent of our trip.

Now Sylvia is home and she has Poodle and paci and is playing just fine.  I don’t think I’ll be taking the kids back to the mall any time soon.  Maybe they can go back when they are teenagers.

This child appears to be enjoying his ride
This child appears to be enjoying his ride

36 Replies to “Shopping trip hell”

  1. uugghh! sounds oh so familiar (down to the poodle and the paci). anyway, hanna andersson has great, thick tights in all different colors. best thing is, you don't even have to leave your house:)

  2. No luck, I can't believe it! I have found them at Gymboree and Babies R Us before. Arg. You are welcome to borrow some of Molly's for the wedding – let me know if you'd like me to bring some tomorrow.

  3. Do you want me to check here before I leave? I saw tights at our Gymboree the other day, but maybe they aren't what you are looking for. Let me know…

  4. uugghh! sounds oh so familiar (down to the poodle and the paci). anyway, hanna andersson has great, thick tights in all different colors. best thing is, you don't even have to leave your house:)

  5. No luck, I can't believe it! I have found them at Gymboree and Babies R Us before. Arg. You are welcome to borrow some of Molly's for the wedding – let me know if you'd like me to bring some tomorrow.

  6. Do you want me to check here before I leave? I saw tights at our Gymboree the other day, but maybe they aren't what you are looking for. Let me know…

  7. umm – errrr – we have white tights for Sylv. they are toasty-ish and cabled and cute and i’m sorry that i didn’t mention this approximately 48 hours ago. xo

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