
I’ve been to several plays in the last week, and I’m reading Andrew a great story book, and I have all these lovely quotes floating around in my head, so I thought I’d share.

From Harold Pinter’s play Old Times, which was performed at the new indoor theater at American Players Theater.  Terry looked this one up and sent me the text.  Johnathan Smoots delivered this line:

Of course she’s so totally incompetent at drying herself properly, did you find that? She gives herself a really good scrub, but can she with the same efficiency give herself an equally good rub? I have found, in my experience of her, that this is not in fact the case. You’ll always find a few odd unexpected unwanted cheeky globules dripping about.

From Jame Thurber’s book The 13 Clocks, first publishedin 1950.  Here’s where we first meet the princess:

The Princess Saralinda was tall, with freesias in her dark hair, and she wore serenity brightly like a rainbow. … Her voice was faraway music, and her eyes were candles burning on a tranquil night.  She moved across the room like wind in violets, and her laughter sparkled on the air, which, from her presence, gained a faint and undreamed fragrance.

The Duke in this story is as evil as the Princess is lovely:

His hands were as cold as his smile and almost as cold as his heart.  He wore gloves when he was awake, which made it difficult for him to pick up pins or coins or the kernels of nuts, or to tear the wings from nightingales.

I saw Jim DeVita’s one-man show Acting Shakespeare last night, and it was wonderful.  (Here’s an interview he did about the show.) There were quite a few memorable lines, but Sylvia has come over and requested that I read her Global Babies, so I’ll sign off!

2 Replies to “Quotes”

  1. This is amazing!! Not knowing you had used the Pinter quote, I was showing someone how to get the Pinter hits by typing “Cheeky Globules”, quoted, into Google. Well . . . . guess what!! The number two HIT was this site!! Now that IS cheeky!

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