
On Sunday morning, Pam, her two girls, and my two kids piled into my van, and we all drove down to Blue Skies Berry Farm for a morning of raspberry picking and playing outdoors.  Pictures of our outing are available here.


I haven’t seen Pam or her girls much recently, so it was especially nice to spend a few hours plucking ripe red berries from bushes and fast as little hands could grab.  Our friend Drew and his little girl joined us as well.


The weather has been on the rainy side the past few days.  We walked to swimming lessons this morning through a light drizzle.  I’ve noticed that it’s mid-August because I’ve had a strong desire to pull off my nose and itch the top of my throat.  Ragweed.  However, this year I am neither nursing nor pregnant, so I can medicate all I want to.  Unfortunately, I don’t really like to take allergy medicines.  But I just sneezed as I typed that line, so I might as well go talk to a pharmacist!

Here’s a few more images from the raspberry patch:






27 Replies to “Raspberries!”

  1. Hey Lisa, I think that Pam and I were both thinking, "What color clothes will hide the inevitable raspberry stains the best. Perhaps raspberry colored clothes!"

  2. Hey Lisa, I think that Pam and I were both thinking, "What color clothes will hide the inevitable raspberry stains the best. Perhaps raspberry colored clothes!"

  3. Yes, that little girl in the flower sunglasses was just hanging out with her dad at the raspberry patch. What a cutie she is!

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