Tricycle decisions – assistance requested

Andrew loves his trike!  You may remember that last spring I was trying to decide whether I should get him a bigger tricycle (he’d outgrown the one he was using) or if I should get him a glider or a bike with training wheels.  I got him the bike with training wheels, and it turns out that he strongly avoided riding it.  “I’ll ride it tomorrow, Mom!”

So mid-summer, I found a big tricycle at a garage sale ($4, baby!), and Andrew’s been zipping up and down the driveway on it all the time.  But now I’ve got a little problem, and her name is…  Let me rephrase.  Sylvia wants to ride the tricycle too.  But it’s too big for her – it’s just too high for her to sit on without probably falling off.  So I would like to get her her own trike.

Here’s where I would like your help.  I thought I was going to get her the kind of trike Andrew had been using, the Radio Flyer Steer and Stroll trike.  I loved being able to push Andrew without having to bend over while walking down the road.  I liked being able to steer him when we were crossing streets.  I like that it has a seat belt because Sylvia is prone to deciding she wants to stop what she’s doing mid-ride, and a seat belt might help her dive off the trike this summer.

Radio Flyer Steer and Stroll
Radio Flyer Steer and Stroll

However, since a couple of my friends have this trike, it’s probable that Sylvia will get experience riding it.  Maybe it would be fun to get her something different.  The trike I almost got for Andrew when I was deciding between a bike with training wheels and a trike might be a good match: the Schwinn Roadster.

Schwinn Roadster
Schwinn Roadster

It’s such a cute trike!  And it sounds like it works for one-four-year-olds.  I’m kind of leaning toward this one, but now I can’t decide color.  I love the red.  Red trikes are so classic and pert.  In general, I’m not a fan of pink, but look at this cute bike:

Pink Roadster
Pink Roadster

Oh decisions, decisions.  I think I need some help on this one…

15 Replies to “Tricycle decisions – assistance requested”

  1. The pink one is sooo cute, but will she then wish hers looked like brothers? Oh…if only you could guess the response of little ones! This looks like a great option, though, because it looks like a trike but also a bit like a Hot Wheels too. She sure liked the hot wheels we had here.

  2. The pink one is sooo cute, but will she then wish hers looked like brothers? Oh…if only you could guess the response of little ones! This looks like a great option, though, because it looks like a trike but also a bit like a Hot Wheels too. She sure liked the hot wheels we had here.

  3. i say get the pink bike – unless you think she's going to need to be pushed around a lot. because then i'd say get the push bike – who cares if she'll get experience at other places – there's your back you need to think about.

  4. I am a traditionalist – if it’s a tricycle, it needs to be red.

    Of the two, I think the Roadster suits Sylvia’s personality more – it’s more independent, more ‘look out world, here I come!’

  5. Karen, you’re quite right about the personality of the Roadster matching Sylvie well. Makes me smile to think of her jamming around the neighborhood on one of those cute trikes.
    Ahh, red or pink or blue??? The blue one is great too!

  6. love the pink one! is there a way to attach a handle and seat belt(maybe jsut one of brian's) until she (or you) are ready for more independence?an​d she can get used to it being so much larger than she is used to!

  7. love the pink one! is there a way to attach a handle and seat belt(maybe jsut one of brian's) until she (or you) are ready for more independence?and she can get used to it being so much larger than she is used to!

  8. I’ve gotten so much great feedback both here an on Facebook about my trike decision. I just got on Amazon and ordered…drumroll….the pink Roadster. I can’t wait to see it! I think it’ll be so adorable for our little Miss. Yup, I think it’s a good decision. The color was hard to decide, but look at this cute picture.
    It really pushed me over the edge.

    I hope to have pictures of our Sylvia riding it in the next couple weeks!

  9. The pink is ADORABLE! Good choice!

    My trike was identical to Andrew’s red one and my sister skipped the traditional tricycle and had a Big Wheel-style trike. It was a little more feminine in color than the pics I am seeing online for the Big Wheel, but I can’t think of the exact name. She drove it like a maniac.

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