
Sylvia turned 18-months-old today!  She’s a year-and-a-half old.  Wow.  I thought about making cupcakes, I mean, any excuse for cupcakes, right?


My dear, sweet girl, I love you so much I can hardly stand it.  I’m sorry that we’re sometimes at odds with each other, but know my dear, that I’m always on your side.   You’re my Roman Candle, burning so brightly and lighting up our lives every day.  I can’t wait to see you tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.

As you doze in your crib, you long limbs all akimbo, I’m thinking of you and sending you love and wishes for a wonderful next six-months.  Dream on, sweet baby.

A song for you tonight, my girl.  Here are the lyrics for one of my favorite songs: Night Mantra by Renee & Jeremy.

I will be your home
I will be your guide
I will be your friend
always on your side

sleep now in your room
quiet of the night
surrounded by the moon
till you see the light


Also just a little thought.  This afternoon, after you’d been so very unhappy for such a very long time, we finally got home, to your room.  We found Poodle and your paci, I pulled the shade and held you and sang to you in the dark of your bedroom.  You laid your hot, damp head on my chest and let your cries quiet, hiccuping occasionally.  At one point I asked if I should keep holding you, and you nodded, not lifting your head from me.

I’m so glad that after some tantruming sadness, we can come back together, letting the song The Water is Wide soothe the hurts and allowing our calm touch to balm our spirits.  Thanks for being my little girl, darling one.  I love you.
