Mudpuppies and swim lessons

Andrew’s had a busy summer week!  We signed him up for swim lessons at the Monona pool, and we’ve been enjoying meeting up with Jessica, Eli, and Celia to walk down to the pool for some lessons.  When I was young, Michael and I took diving lessons at the Monona pool with Tammy Wiswell’s kids.  And when I was younger, we would meet up with Carol Schroder’s family and walk a few blocks to the Lakeview Branch library.  It’s fun to be doing kinda the same thing 25 years later with my own kids!

Andrew is enjoying his swimming class.  I haven’t seen his hair get wet yet, but he’s feeling increasingly comfortable in the water, and he’s having a good time, which is the whole idea:)

On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, Andrew and Eli are both taking a class at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center on salamanders.  They’re supposed to go to class on Wednesday wearing clothes they can get dirty in.  What a great place!  I’m so glad Andrew can take fun classes like that.

Sylvia wants, wants, wants to take fun classes too.  She did not want to leave Andrew there today.  That set off a major tantrum session.  It’s hard, being the younger sib.  I’m looking forward to taking her to Toddler Time on Tuesdays at Monona Grove Nursery School this fall!

In the meantime, we’re enjoying lots of summery August activities!