10-year college reunion

We’re back home again after a fun trip to Northfield for my 10-year Carleton College reunion.  We stayed in Evans dorm, which was an experience in itself.  The kids did pretty well.  The weather was warm –> hot and quite humid.  I think Andrew’s favorite part of the weekend was rolling down the hill to Bell Field.  Over and over and over and over.

On the way home, we stopped to play at a park in LaCrosse, and both kids had a great time splashing in the Mississippi River.  Andrew sat down in it, and Sylvia was laughing hystarically as the boats zoomed past and made big splashing waves.

When we got home, the kids were wonderfully excited to play with their toys and their books.  It’s like they had to make up for lost time.  Hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since I graduated from Carleton.  I do love Northfield.  It was such a lovely place to live.