Sylvia’s seven-month appointment

nancyshat.JPGSept. 14: Sylvia had her seven-month appointment on Friday.  Actually, it was her six-month appointment, but we’re a little off-schedule because of our health-insurance change.  She’s getting to be a big girl!  She weighed in at 16 lbs, measured 27″ long, and has a head circumference of 44.8 cm.
This morning, I think she did her first successful crawling motions.  She’s been rocking on all fours for weeks, doing the plank and push-up positions for a while too, but until this morning, she hadn’t moved her knees forward.  Several times this morning, she moved a knee forward while reaching with the opposite hand.  And in the last few days, she’s beginning to move (mostly by oozing or schooching on her tummy).  It’s only a matter of time until she takes over the world.  And her brother’s toys.  That’s where she wants to go!