A long night

crawling.JPGSept. 14:  It’s 11:45am and Bryan and Sylvia are both napping.  They both need the sleep. Last night felt a little like a Comedy of Errors.  I went to bed around 11pm.  At 1am I woke up to Sylvia crying (which is normal).  But Bryan told me that she’d been up regularly for the last couple hours, and he’d just recently come to bed.  She came down with a stuffy nose in the night and can’t use her pacifier.  So she was pretty unhappy.  We both tried for a while to have her fall asleep.  Sometime around 2, I think she fell soundly asleep.  Soon after, Spooky (our cat) started barfing on on the bed.  It was pretty startaling to wake up to a cat making hacking noises while curled in my arms.  So I tossed him off the bed where he proceeded to cat-yack all over our blankets.  So we cleaned that up.  Then around 3:30, Andrew crawled in bed with me.  I dozed for a bit but then decided I should move him back to bed.  I don’t want him getting the idea that coming into our bed at night is a good idea.  He didn’t want to go back to bed, and it took about 15 minutes and some creative talking (his whale needed him to sleep with him so he’d have good dreams) to get him to agree to try falling asleep in his room.  “But I want to sleep with you and DADDY!” he’d wail.
Then at 5am, Sylvia woke up and really acted like she was not going to go back to bed anytime soon.  So I got up with her and played with her in her room until Bryan came in to swap out with me at 6:30am.
Sylvia seems like she doesn’t feel quite right, and she got a runny nose.  But we all then had a lovely morning with waffles and coffee for breakfast, playing in the sunroom, and some great dancing to first Stone Temple Pilots and then the Nutcracker by Bryan and Andrew.  They got a good workout.  Now Bryan’s sleeping and I finally got Sylvia to sleep in her crib by holding her until she was sound asleep then transferring her.  Life’s pretty full right now!