Sick baby girl


So the last several days have been kinda hard.  Sylvia has been a sad, sad girl, especially at night.  After she cried for several hours this morning, I made a doctor’s appointment for her.  We discovered an infected left ear.  So my baby girl has an ear infection.

I debated whether to give her antibiotics, and decided that she’s been unhappy enough that it’s a good idea to treat it.  These days, doctors are starting to recommend that mild ear infections not be treated because of the gross overuse of antibiotics.  Sylvie’s doctor characterized her ear infection as moderate.  If you’re interested, Mayo Clinic, and Dr. Greene have articles about the use of antibiotics for treating ear infections.

Hopefully she’ll start feeling better soon.

In other news, Sylvia waved for the first time today.  She waved bye-bye to her dad this morning and to the receptionist at the clinic this afternoon.  What a big girl!