Sylvia is rolling

portrait.JPGJune 24: Sylvia rolled a couple weeks ago, but it wasn’t until this past weekend that she really got the hang of it.  At one point on Andrew’s birthday, she rolled over about 10 times in a row.  She’s been sleeping in a “snuggle nest” infant bed that helps the great-big crib feel a little more cozy for a little tiny baby.  But last night, she was rolling around and got herself all cock-eyed.  So I took down the play-silk canopy I had hanging over the crib and took out the snuggle nest, and tonight she’s sleeping in the full crib just like a big (?) girl.
The little one has been rather unhappy the last couple days.  I think her teeths are bothering her.  She’s also been continuing to wake up every hour or two all night long.  It’s just not cool.  But she doesn’t believe me.  Or speak English.