Our boy is three!

birthdaygang.JPGJune 24: We sent Granny Lu home today after a really nice visit here the last several days.  She and Grandad arrived on Thursday night, and we had a fun time together celebrating Andrew’s third birthday.  On his actual birthday on Sunday, we had a great time at Wingra Park with my family and Sarah and Wes and Bryan’s parents.  Andrew is officially three now!  Pictures are in the gallery.
A couple good recent comments by the young man:

Breakfast conversation with his dad:
Bryan: Andrew, please eat the crusts of your bread, not just the middle
Andrew: I don’t want to eat my crusts.
Bryan: Well, you know, you need to learn to eat your crusts because grown-ups eat their crusts.
Andrew: Am I a grown-up?
Bryan: No, not yet.
Andrew: Then I don’t need to eat my crusts yet.

On our way to a party, Andrew is in his carseat talking to himself:
“This party is going to be a yiddle bit fun. (pause) Not a LOT of fun.  A yiddle bit fun.”

Andrew’s word of the week is (unfortunately) “boring.”  He’s decided that many things are boring.  We’re part way through a book, and he wants to stop because it is boring.  We’re watching a DVD, and he informs us that it is boring.  Since when did he become so worldly?  Maybe since he’s three!