Pictures uploaded

momentwithdaddy.JPGJune 26:  Happy birthday yesterday, Maretta!  We missed spending the day with you:)
Last night, Sylvia did a three-hour stretch and two two-hour stretches of sleep.  Soooo much better than waking up every hour from 2am to 6am.  So much better.  That and I went to bed at 8:30 or 9 pm last night, so I woke this morning feeling like a much perkier person.
I’ve been trying to upload photos from Andrew’s birthday and the days preceding, but it’s been my record-slowest upload ever.  I picked out the pictures.  Got interrupted.  Set the pictures to upload.  Got interrupted twice.  Uploaded one set.  Interrupt.  Upload second set.  Interrupt.  Add captions to one… you got the story.  So this morning, I was able to finish adding captions, and I’m posting this while Sylvia is in her exersaucer watching Andrew who is making matches of his memory cards.
Some good pictures in these sets.  Enjoy!
Andrew’s birthday party
The days preceding Andrew’s birthday.