You should see her move!

Jan. 6: Woof…I’m feeling pretty big.  At 35 weeks, this little one is supposed to be a bit over 5 lbs…the weight of a honeydew melon.  When she gets active, I really notice!  I think she’s still head-up, with her head nestled just under my right ribs.  I have a midwife appointment tomorrow, so perhaps she’ll be able to tell if the little one has flipped.  Because of the holidays, this will be my first appointment in a month.  Hard to believe that there are only three weeks until I am “term” and five weeks until our predicted due date.
Bryan’s mom is coming into town on February 2 with the hopes of being here to help with Andrew when the little one makes her entrance.
Tomorrow’s appointment will also be the first to which I am taking Andrew.  I’m working three days/week for the next two weeks, and my last official day at work is January 17.  So on Monday tomorrow, I’ll be home with the little guy for a day together.  I wonder if he’ll be interested in listening to the baby’s heart beat with the doppler. Week 35 update

Your baby doesn’t have much room to maneuver now that he’s over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew).
Because it’s so snug in your womb, he isn’t likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he’ll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.