Home again, home again

sweetboy.JPGDec. 31: I feel like this vacation just keeps going on and on and on.  It’s lovely!  We flew back home to Wisconsin on Friday afternoon in the midst of a big snow storm.  Fortunately (surprisingly, really) our flight wasn’t delayed in the slightest.  Uncle Joe picked us up at the airport, which was good, because Andrew really wasn’t too keen on the idea of leaving Texas.  His refrain most of the flight home was “Let’s go back!”  Knowing that Uncle Joe was going to be at the other end provided enough of an incentive to keep him OK with the idea of leaving.  I don’t think he could have had a better time during our trip.  Being at Granny and Grandad’s house is everything a little boy could want.
Our awesome neighbor, Jenni, snowplowed our driveway for us as the snow fell thick and heavy, and we enjoyed getting back to our home.  The kitties, who had been cold and lonely for a week, were a little psycho, but at this point, they have had their kitty love-tanks filled, and they are feeling back-to-normal.
On Saturday, Bryan took Andrew duty most of the day while I jumped into Maretta’s wedding planning.  We enjoyed a cake testing at La Brioche, went to a couple alterations places to find someone who could help us bustle her gown, and spent the afternoon at a bridal shower hosted by Maretta’s maid-of-honor, Laurie.  It was a fun-filled day!  Maretta, Kyle, and Kyle’s mom, Marilyn also came over yesterday, and we spent a couple hours going over lots of wedding details together.  The conversation continues at 1:30 today.  We have lots to pack into the short time that we’re both home!
Last night we had my whole family over for a Christmas-time get-together.  Becky volunteered her mom to make us a lasagna, and it got rave reviews from all who tasted it.  It’s crazy that just immediate family makes for a party of 12 people!  Andrew got to open a few presents, and he was in 7th heaven, playing with all of his aunts and uncles.  This morning he woke up and said to me with a wistful voice, “Uncle Kyle played with me.”
Andrew was a stellar flyer, and he’s been in a really good mood since we got home.  Bryan and I have both been unsuccessful in putting him down for naps, but when Uncle Joe or Aunt Maretta go in to do a “closing,” he goes to sleep just fine.  What gives??  I think we just need someone else to live with us to put Andrew down for naps.
Hope you enjoy a happy New Year’s Eve!
Photos from the last week are in the gallery.