Mom’s recent test shows no cancer

July 16: On Friday, July 14, Mom had a cool-sounding procedure done to break up some kidney stones.  While doctors were doing that procedure, they also scoped her bladder to look for cancer. And they didn’t find anything!  Mom also met with a new oncologist at her clinic here in Madison last week, and he was really happy with her progress.  He said that the main symptom they look for to indicate a re-occuerence of the cancer is weight loss.  Mom’s been holding steady for quite some time, now, so that’s good news too.  And her new doctor sounds happy to coordinate with her doctor down at Northwestern who is doing the vaccine clinical trial.
I think Mom’s about half-way through the trial.  She continues to go down to Chicago every couple weeks for her vaccines.  There hasn’t been much to report on Mom’s health recently, and I think of that as very good news.